Chapter 9|The reunited Pride pt.1

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{Please tell me if there is still their original names typed up rather then Y/n ,Damian ,F/n ,M/n ,G/F/n ,Athanasia ,Talia and Mara.}
I will tell you when you are human or animal when (human form) or (animal form) is in bold, italics and underlined

(Animal form)
The Outlanders, crossing a river on the way to attack Pride Rock.

Now back at Pride Rock, where Timon and Pumbaa are talking.
"I can't believe we lost her again. This is the eight thousandth time!"
"Ooh!" Pumbaa exclaimes.
"I thought you were gonna watch her!" Timon says putting the blame on Pumbaa.
"Me? You were gonna watch her!" Pumbaa shouts back.
"I thought you were gonna watch her!"
"No, you were gonna watch her!"
"You were gonna watch her!"
"Aah, watch this! {he leaps onto Timon}" pumbaa says before leaping onto Timon.
"Oww! Take that, you creepy warthog! Say it! Say it!"
"Fat! Fat! Fatty fat fat!"
Timon and Pumbaa are all-out wrestling when F/n approaches. When he speaks, they leap to attention.
"What are you doing?" F/n asked.
"Good question! Now let me ask one."
"Very hypo-thetical, there's this guy..." Timon corrects Pumbaa.
"But he's not a lion or human..."
"No! No, he's not a lion or human... yeesh. {F/n is looking amused} Definitely not a lion. And, uh... uh... his daughter, um, say... vanished.""
"Y/n is gone?" F/n said to himself.
Zazu flies into shot.
"Sire! The Outsiders are on the attack... heading this way! It's war!" Zazu shouts.
"Zazu! Find Y/n! We'll assemble the lionesses. Move! Now!"
A storm gathers as the two prides close on the field of battle; rain mats F/n's mane as he advances. Prey animals skitter away from between the advancing lions. Buzzards circle overhead.

(Human form for Y/n and Damian only)
Y/n and Damian rush home as fast as they can. The two prides face each other across the field; when all are assembled, Timon and Pumbaa moon the Outsiders.
"Nah nah nah nah nah nah!" Timon and Pumbaa say.
"It's over, F/n! I have dreamed of nothing else for years!" Talia said.
"Boy... does she need a hobby." Timon said in a sassy way.
"Last chance, Talia; Go home." F/n cuts in.
"I am home!"

Lightning flashes and thunder cracks.

(Animal form for ALL)
The two opposing lines advance toward each other, first walking, then picking up speed until they hit at a full run. Talia coaches her pride from a high rock.
"Go for the eyes! Break his jaw! Hit him low! Get them! Do what you must!"
Y/n and Damian approach from a distance, but the dust of the battle is already rising; they're worried, but they rush towards the battlefield at full speed anyway.
"What do we do? What do we do?" Pumbaa asked scared.
"There's only one thing we can do, Pumbaa: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." That's our motto!"
"I thought our motto was "Hakuna Matata"!"
"Pumbaa, stop living in the past! This is the sequel. We need a new motto!"
Timon and Pumbaa run screaming into the battle, trying to appear as menacing as they can. They are stopped short by a snarling lioness; they turn and run back the way they came.
"Like I said: Let's get going", Timon says.

Damian and Y/n run down an embankment covered with fallen logs; Damian nearly slips, but catches onto one of the logs and jumps down safely. The logs begin shifting.
Mara appears on a ledge above M/n.
"Where's your pretty daughter, M/n?"
"Mara!" M/n shouted in shock
Mara leaps down onto M/n; the two roll down the hill, fighting fiercely.
Timon and Pumbaa are being chased by a number of lionesses. They get backed up against a wall, surrounded; Pumbaa puts his face to the wall and covers his eyes. Timon looks around, panicking, and finally sees a way out; he jumps up on Pumbaa's back, bends Pumbaa's tail, cocks it, and holds it like a gun.
"Don't anybody move! This thing's loaded. I'll let you have it!"
The enemy lionesses all shriek and turn tail, fleeing over the horizon.
"Yeah! Yeah... talk about your winds of war."
Back on the battlefield, Talia is laughing as she views the battle turning in her favor.
"F/n... {jumps down} you're mine!"

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