Chapter Eight

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“So we're really just going to let Appa take us somewhere? Just whatever direction he feels like going? Because I have lots of maps with--”

“Yes, yes we are,” I interrupted Macco before he launched into a half-hour tour through his vast and diverse map collection. “And we're just going to have him start out in any direction and then we can consult your maps for a good place to stop and stir up some trouble.”

Macco mumbled something about crazy teenage girls. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and pretended I didn't hear him. I threw my sack up onto Appa's saddle and leaped up as gracefully as I could manage. My partner in crime clambered up just after me. I took my position at the reins, and with a, “Yip, yip!” we were up in the air. Though with good intention, our little airbison started going in the wrong direction: south.

“No, no, Appa. Not that way.”

“I thought we were letting Appa chose where we were going,” Macco said with a smirk.

“Yeah, well, he can chose any direction but that one. We are not going home anytime soon.” I patted his mane. “Sorry buddy, but you can go freeze your butt off another time.” Appa made a rumbling noise in response. “Good boy.”

And we were back on the road, er, well, clouds, or, uh, something. I loved the feeling of the wind on my hair and breeze in my face, cool and refreshing. It woke me up and cleared my senses. Behind me, I heard Macco shuffling through his maps.

“We're heading East towards the Earth Kingdom, so if my calculations are correct and everything goes as planned, we'll get there in approximately--” The loud whirring of an engine interrupted him. I looked over my shoulder and trailing behind us was a smaller version of a Fire Nation Airship. “Oh, good grief...” Macco said, trailing off.

“Well, it looks like they realized we weren't exactly following their directions,” I sighed. I knew they weren't stupid enough to just let us go on our own. I'd just kind of hoped...

“CHILDREN!” I whipped around. Someone on the airship, the airship that was gaining on us with each moment, had a long tube like invention that carried their voice all the way to us through the loud winds. “PLEASE TURN AROUND IMMEDIATELY. HIS MAJESTY FIRELORD ZUKO REQUESTS THAT YOU BE ESCORTED BACK TO THE SOUTHERN WATERTRIBE.”

“As tempting as that sounds,” I said to the wind, “we really should be going. Yip, yip, Appa!” Appa threw in another burst of speed and we began to leave the ship behind. The pursuer tried to say something, but it was lost in the howl of air streaking by.

“Do you think they're going to try and shoot us down?” Macco said, sounding a bit concerned.

“Of course not!” I replied. How crazy was this kid? “They'd have to answer to the Avatar personally if they did.”

Apparently I was wrong. Because a few moments later, a ball of fire came hurdling towards us.

“Oh, great,” I mumbled as I steered Appa to the left, narrowly avoiding the flames. I could feel the heat of it as it streaked by. “MACCO! I THINK WE NEED TO TAKE A DETOUR!” I shouted to my map-bearing comrade behind me.

“ON IT!” he shouted in return. The sound came again. “RIGHT, RIGHT!” I yanked on the reins, throwing us just out of harm's way. “LEFT, JALIA, LEFT!” We turned again. I just couldn't believe that the Fire Nation was actually trying to shoot us down. We were practically royal! Well, at least in my book. But even if they didn't consider us high class, we could pull off the whole thing that were were, UM CHILDREN!

“JALIA! JALIA!” I heard Macco scream my name. Deep in my thoughts, I'd zoned out, forgetting about the situation at present. Looking back, a fireball was flying straight for us. And it was almost here. One more second and it would make contact--

I yanked the reins downward and Appa began to decline but the fireball exploded, the impact jarring. Blown off of Appa's back, I dangled by the reins from his neck. I looked at Appa's face and his eyes were closed. He'd been knocked out! I scrambled back up onto his back. Macco was still in the saddle, holding on for dear life. We were plummeting towards the water below. Fast.

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