Chapter Nine

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            Ok.  So, I'm not saying that I handled the situation well, though at least I handled it better than Macco who was screaming like a little girl.  But instead of doing anything, I just started thinking about home and Mum and Dad and my little brother Roku who I had always acted like I hated but really didn't, and everyone else I'd grown up with and how stupid they must think I am.  Yeah, I know, stupid right?  By the time I realized that it was stupid to be thinking about this when I could be doing something, it was almost too late. Almost.

            I wasn't a very experienced waterbender, but I hoped that at least I could break our fall somewhat.  Holding onto Appa with my legs, I waved my arms around, trying to bend the choppy ocean below us.  All I got were a couple splashes and us getting closer and closer to our fate.

            “Come on, come on!” I murmured through gritted teeth.  The spraying salt water burned my eyes as we got closer.  The waves started to grow.  I wasn’t sure if that was by my doing or the ocean’s own.  But as we neared our impending doom, a spring of water shot out of the ocean and practically swallowed us, and then lying us gently on the surface of the ocean, completely dry and safe.  Well, almost dry.  Because not two seconds later, a large wave covered us, aftermath of a giant Appa belly-flop and me not being the best of waterbenders.

After being doused and Macco shouting furiously about his wet maps, Appa came back to his senses.  Cold, salty water could do that to a slumbering giant, I suppose.

“Eww,” I groaned, lifting my hand from Appa’s neck.  His wet fur clung not me.  Great, I was covered.  Trying to wipe it on my pants didn’t seem to help.  It was a hopeless battle.  “Macco?” I said.

“What?” he replied tartly.  Someone was a little grumpy.

“Where are we?”

Well, I could tell you, but THE MAPS ARE ALL WET!”

“Sorry Macco, just settle down.  They’ll dry soon.”


“Macco!  Calm down.  Just lay them out, unroll them, and let them dry in the sun.  Obviously, the sky isn’t safe for us, so we’ll just float along for a while.”

“But, they could blow away, or get water damaged again, or—”

“Macco,” I sighed, interrupting him.  “Just figure something out.”  I heard some more mumbling from his part, but soon the shuffling of papers.

I pointed Appa in the right direction, and then climbed up into the saddle with Macco.  Rest seemed like a good option right about now.  Deciding against sleeping under a sopping wet blanket, I lay on the saddle, stared up at the sky that was quickly turning to dusk, and closed my eyes.

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