Part 2

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Fab5 watched the movie and came out of the theatre. Alya's eyes fell on the lottery ticket stand.

Alya : "Come let's buy a lottery ticket!"

Mukti : "If you save the money you spend on lottery tickets, you can buy yourself a new makeup kit, or a branded purse or jewelry."

Alya : "Lottery ticket is one way I can achieve my dreams. If I win, I can buy all that and much more. Who knows one day I might own a huge mansion and luxurious car like we saw in the movie."

Everyone knew her craze for a wealthy lifestyle. They also knew that she won't change her mindset irrespective of what they say, so they dropped the topic. They went to the restaurant, had their dinner and left for their homes.

Manik dropped Alya home. Alya kissed Manik on his cheek.

Alya : "Love you Manik!"

Manik didn't respond.

Alya : "You won't tell it even today?"

Manik : "You know i don't believe in love. I will be lying if i use those words."

Alya : "Hmm... i will wait for that day when i can hear those words from you. Good Night!"

Manik : "Good night!"

Manik left. Alya went inside the house. She remembered the day she proposed Manik.


Alya met Manik through Mukti. They were teenagers then, Alya developed a crush on Manik. After a few years passed, she felt that she was in love with him and decided to propose him.

Alya : "Manik, from the day we met i have been attracted towards you. As we grew, i realized that i have fallen for you. I love you Manik!"

Manik : "Alya, but i don't love you. "

Alya : "Do you love someone else?"

Manik : "No, i don't. I don't believe in love."

Alya : "But why don't you believe in it?Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world."

Manik : "There is nothing like love. What you think to be love is just an infatuation. You will get over it with time."

Alya : "It is not infatuation, I truly love you."

Manik : "You think so now. But with time, other things will take precedence over it. It is just a trap which distracts you. It forces you to change yourself."

Manik : "I don't want to fall in this trap and get distracted. I don't want to change myself for anyone."

Alya : "I won't force you to change yourself. What made you think so negatively about love?"

Manik : "I don't want to discuss about it. "

Alya thought over it, but she didn't want to lose hope.

Alya : "Can't you be my boyfriend at least for now? It will take time, but i will make you believe in love."

Manik : "I can't. I hate that word. I will never believe in it."

Alya wasn't ready to give up so easily. She wasn't ready to accept the rejection. That night, she pretended to commit suicide. She called Mukti.

Alya : "Mukti, he didn't accept my love. I don't want to live anymore. Aaa....."

She cut her wrist and disconnected the call. Mukti rushed to Alya's home. She called the doctor for treatment and also informed her friends. Mukti explained what happened to them. Manik didn't want to lose a friend.With little coaxing from his friends, he unwillingly agreed to be her boyfriend.

Flashback ends...

Same night at Murthy Mansion, Nandu was sleeping.

"It was a stormy night. It was raining heavily. Nandu was in the car with her parents. Since they were close to their destination, they didn't take a break. Visibility was poor and a truck slammed into the car. The truck driver didn't stop in fear of getting caught. Nandu was hurt too in the accident. She looked around for help, but no one was there to help her. She helplessly saw her parents dying right in front of her eyes."

She woke up screaming.

Nandu : "Mom! Dad!"

Since the day of the accident, she had the nightmare every day.

Nandu was in tears. She wiped her tears and drank some water. She laid back on her bed, but sleep was far from her eyes.

Nandu : "Ayyappa, why did you snatch my parents and let me survive? It would have been good if i had died with them instead of reliving that incident every day. I saw them dying in front of my eyes, but couldn't do anything to save them."

A few days later....

It was Murthy's birthday. Mr.Murthy was at his office, Murthy Towers. Nandu wanted to prepare her granddad's favorite dishes. They had lot of servants and normally Nandu wouldn't be allowed to do anything because of her health.

Kaka : "Nandu, i will prepare. You will get tired. Murthy sir will scold me if he comes to know that i let you cook."

Nandu : "Don't worry Kaka. Nothing will happen if i cook one day. You don't have to worry, i will explain to Daddu. "

Kaka : "I will at least help you."

Nandu : "Ok kaka."

She took lunch and went to Murthy Towers. Though kaka suggested that she takes someone with her, she didn't agree telling that the driver would be with her anyways.

Mr.Murthy was immersed in his work. Nandu went and put her arms around Mr.Murthy's neck and wished him.

Nandu : "Happy Birthday Daddu!"

Mr.Murthy got up from his seat immediately and made Nandu sit in his chair.

Mr.Murthy : "Thank you! But why did you come here?"

Nandu : "You didn't remember it was your birthday did you? You didn't wake me up when you left in the morning. So i had to come."

Mr.Murthy : "Are you ok?"

Nandu : "Daddu i am fine."

Nandu called Navya and asked her to accompany them for lunch. Navya works at Murthy Towers. After lunch, Nandu was ready to go home.

Mr.Murthy : "With whom did you come here?"

Nandu : " I came with the driver. Kaka told me to take someone with me but I didn't want to."

Mr.Murthy : "How can you come alone like that? I will come with you and drop you home."

Navya : " Don't worry. I will go with her and drop her home."

Navya and Nandu walked out of the building. When they were a few steps away, Nandu started feeling dizzy. The day's activity had already taken a toll on her.

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