Part 19(Last Part)

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Manik lost his temper after hearing Alya's words.

Manik : "You wanted it, not me. Nandini is here because she tried to save you. Otherwise, you would have been in her place. You should be grateful to her, instead you are wishing ill for her even now. How can you be so cold-hearted? Can't you for once think beyond your own selfish needs?"

Manik didn't know what he would end up saying or doing in his anger if he continued to talk to Alya. Manik went away from her without bothering to listen to her reply. He sat in a chair burying his face in his hands. Murthy and Navya who came there witnessed Manik and Alya's conversation.

A nurse came out of the operation theatre and Manik rushed to her.

Manik : "How is she doing?"

Nurse : "The doctors are doing their best, but I can't say anything about the patient yet. I can't give false hopes, everything is in almighty's hands."

They all knew that chances of Nandu's survival was less, but they were hoping against hope that she survives. Only a miracle could save her.

Navya saw a god's idol and went to pray. Murthy called his priest so that he can perform puja for Nandu's well-being.

Navya : "God, please save Nandu. I prayed to you so much and thought that happiness had come back to my Nandu's life. Why did you do this to her? She is fighting between life and death and you are sitting calmly without doing anything. If you don't save her, I won't pray to you anymore. If you save her, I will come to the temple and perform puja for you for one whole month. You decide what you want me to do."

Navya finished her conversation with God and turned around. She saw Manik standing nearby and praying to God.

Manik : "I did pray to you earlier too, but you still took away my mom from me. Today I am praying for my Nandu, please don't snatch her away from me too."

After a few hours, the doctor came out of the operation theatre.

Doctor : "The operation was successful. It was very complicated, but she is out of danger. We will shift her to a special ward and keep monitoring her. She should gain conscious within 24hrs. It will definitely take more time to heal completely."

Manik stayed with Nandu. He didn't sleep a wink till Nandu gained conscious. Nandu gained conscious within 24hrs, but it took a few days before she could actually talk to anyone. She was given sedatives, so she slept most of the time.

Meanwhile, when Navya was with Nandini, Manik decided to sort out things with Alya.

Manik : "Alya,I have made up my mind to abide by my marriage with Nandini, so i won't come back to you."

Alya : "You are going to leave me, whom you know for so many years, for her, whom you know only for few months? What special does she have that I don't?"

Manik : "There's no comparison between her and you, she is one of a kind. If you still want to know, I can name a few. Nandini saved your life, but you were still wishing ill for her. She on the other hand knew that you would have harmed her given a chance, but she still saved your life risking her own."

Manik : "There was a time when you claimed to love me and told me that you wouldn't force me into anything. But you loved wealth more than me, so you tried to pressurize me to get married to Nandini. As you said you knew me for so long, but you didn't think about me, you didn't think how uncomfortable things would turn out for me. How would you, when your thoughts and dreams revolved only around wealth?"

Manik : "Nandini claimed to love me too. But she never forced me to do anything for her though she had the right to do so. Whenever she forced me, it was for my own well being. She didn't know me for long, but she always thought about me before herself right from the beginning."

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