Part 14

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Manik and Nandini continued to talk.

Manik : "Why are you so fascinated by fireflies?"

Manik didn't think there was a reason behind Nandini liking stars or fireflies until now.Manik had thought that girls in general like glittery, flashy, shining or glowing things. Nandini did tell him about the stars, so he thought there may be some reason behind fireflies too.

Nandini : "Mom believed that fireflies glow where there is true love. Listening to her even I started believing in them."

Manik laughed listening to her explanation.

Manik : "Seriously, you believe in it too. You mean to say fireflies have some sensors in them which detects true love."

Nandini : "Don't make fun of it. It may seem fantasy to you, but it does work for me. It might work for you too."

Manik : "Sorry! Anyways it will never work for me."

Nandini : "How are you so sure?"

Manik : "Because I don't believe in your true love funda."

Nandini : "When did I tell you that true love means only the kind of love which you don't believe in."

Nandini : "You love your friends truly and you love your music too."

After a while,

Nandini : "It's already late. Didn't realize how time flew by. I will goto sleep. You should too, you may be tired."

Nandu had been sitting at the same place for long. She tried to get up holding something for support. Manik got up immediately and forwarded his hand. She held his hand and Manik helped her stand up.

Nandini was emotionally drained. She told everything about herself to Manik. She had let out her secret about her medicines too which she hadn't even told her granddad or Navya. She also came to know the reason behind Manik agreeing for marrying her. She was content just by seeing his photos in the past and now she decided to be content with his presence beside her. Very soon she dozed off to sleep.

Manik couldn't sleep a wink. He was thinking about their conversation. He himself didn't know why he told Nandini everything about his past. He hadn't told everything even to his friends except Cabir. Other friends knew a little about his past, but not completely. In spite of him telling Nandini the reason behind their wedding, she didn't point faults in him. Instead she pointed to the goodness in him.

Manik was disturbed. He couldn't concentrate at work next day. He left work early and went to their practice room. He was strumming the guitar, but his mind was elsewhere.

Cabir who was passing by, saw the door open and came there to check. He came inside and sat next to Manik. Manik was still lost in his own world, he didn't realize that Cabir was there.

Cabir : "Where are you lost? What were you thinking so deeply that you didn't even realize when I came here?"

Manik : "Lot of things are going on in my mind, I am not able to understand what to think, what to do. It is all jumbled up."

Cabir : "Tell me what it is. May be talking to me will help you clear your thoughts."

Manik : "On one side, Nandini's grandad and Navya are praying for her wellbeing. On the other hand, we are hoping when all these things will come to an end, which means we are waiting for her to die."

Manik : "and Nandini, she is kind of committing a slow suicide. It seems she was hoping to die soon, till she met me. So she wasn't taking care of herself. She wasn't taking her medications."

Manik : "She asked me a question yesterday, if I would stay with her if she lived longer? But I couldn't answer her. I couldn't tell her no, though I got into this because she won't survive for long. Nor could I lie to her and tell her a yes."

Manik : "Her grandad, Navya, everyone thinks I bought happiness into Nandini's life. So probably if i say yes to Nandini , may be she will live longer. But then things won't work as we had expected."

Manik : "Yesterday, when she asked me that question, the look on her face and her eyes reminded me of my mom. Mom waited for Dad thinking that Dad would return to her some day and reciprocate her feelings, but that never happened. I am feeling guilty, am I also not behaving like my dad whom I have hated all along. Except that I am staying with her and faking that I care, there doesn't seem to be any difference between me and my dad."

Manik : "I don't know what to think, what to do any longer."

Cabir : "You think you are still faking care? You are thinking all this because of fake concern?"

After thinking for a while.

Manik : "May be caring for her has become a habit now."

Cabir : "You are no where like your dad. You didn't claim to love Nandini. Though you know her only from a short time, you have started thinking about her well being."

Cabir : "Don't think too much. Go with the flow. Listen to your heart and do what you feel is right. We will be with you whatever you decide to do. If you think, you assuring her that you will be with her will increase her chances of living then, so be it. What we thought may get delayed or we might figure out some other way of meeting our expectations."

Manik felt lighter after talking to Cabir and decided to go with what he felt right at that moment.

Manik : "You asked me if I would stay with you if you were to live longer. You popped the question all of a sudden, I didn't know what to answer then. I hadn't thought about it till you questioned me. Now I know, I will stay beside you as long as you want me to."

Nandu : "Thank you!"

Nandu pecked Manik's cheek in excitement. She then realized what she did.

Nandu : "Sorry! I was so excited that I didn't realize what I was doing. I doubt I will live longer, but you can't imagine how much those words mean to me. I am really sorry for ....!"

Manik wasn't expecting that reaction from Nandini, but he didn't want her to feel bad or embarrassed.

Manik : "It's alright. You are my wife, you have the right to do so."

A few days later, when Manik and Nandini were lying on the bed.

Nandini : "A few days back you told me that it was my right because I am your wife. I have a wish that when I leave my last breath, I have you very close to me. Can I sleep holding your hand every night, so even if I die in my sleep my wish will be fulfilled?"

Nandu had a last wish which she thought will never be fulfilled before she married Manik. From the past few days, she had been thinking whether to tell him or not. Though what she asked Manik wasn't her actual wish, she didn't want Manik to feel uncomfortable too. So she modified it when she told Manik.

Manik : " You can on one condition."

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