Part 17

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Manik and Nandini came home after dinner. Nandini was looking at herself in the mirror.

Nandini : "How am I looking?"

Manik : "Everyone complimented you..."

Nandini : "Except the one for whom I took all the effort to dress up."

Manik walked to her and hugged her from behind.

Manik : "You always look beautiful. You know what is special about you - you are as beautiful within as you are from out. You don't have to take extra effort to dress up for me."

Manik : "You are able to sense that I am around, without seeing me. You can figure out when I am stressed, without me telling you. So I thought you would have figured this out too. If you still want me to tell it out, today you look mesmerizing. I couldn't take my eyes of you."

Nandu : "I did, but I did like to hear from you. I can be sure that I understood you right and I haven't misunderstood."

Nandu : "Don't you feel anything else when you see me?"

Manik : "Like?"

They weren't facing each other, but could see their reflection in the mirror. Nandini's eyes were focused at his lips in the reflection.

Nandini asked him that question, but decided to drop it. She felt it wasn't right to talk about it further.

Nandini : "Nothing .. leave it."

But Nandini's eyes spoke what she couldn't tell with words.

Manik turned her around. He knew what she was talking about. If Nandini wouldn't have brought it up, Manik would have waited a little more longer, at least for a few more days. But he couldn't see Nandini disappointed.

Manik : "Why wouldn't I, when I have such a gorgeous wife beside me?"

Manik cupped Nandu's face in his hands.He kissed her forehead. Nandu closed her eyes savoring the moment. Manik pecked both her eyes and then came to her lips. Manik went with the flow and kissed her and Nandini reciprocated. Nandini was out of breath. Manik realized what he was doing and stopped.

Manik : "Are you ok?"

Nandini : "Yes."

Manik was about to move away from her, but Nandini held his hand.

Manik : "If I proceed further, I won't be able to control myself. Your doctor hasn't given permission yet to...."

Nandu was blushing. Manik caressed Nandu's face.

Manik : "I didn't even start talking about it and this is the outcome. So when the actual time comes, I guess you will be giving competition to tomatoes."

Nandu was feeling shy hearing his words. She hid herself in his chest and Manik embraced her.

On the other side, Alya was feeling so restless. She used to feel jealous whenever she saw Manik and Nandini together. But after hearing Navya, she began to fear that she might lose Manik. If she looses him, then all her plans of leading a wealthy life style will go for a toss too. She couldn't let that happen. She had to put an end to all this before it is too late.

How was Navya to know that her little talk with Fab4 had ignited a spark in the form of Alya and her friend would soon suffer the aftermath of it?

Next day, Alya tried calling Manik a few times. Manik was busy and couldn't take the call. She decided to meet and talk to him during lunchtime.

Nandini called Manik during lunchtime. Manik was still working, he put it on speaker without checking who it was. Just then, Alya barged in. Even before Nandini could speak,

Alya : "I have been calling you since morning. Why didn't you take my call?"

Manik : "I was busy. "

Alya : "You are always busy when it comes to me."

Manik : "This is office Alya, not a place to talk about personal issues. What was so important that you barged into my cabin without knocking?"

Alya : "How long will this go on? Wasn't Nandini supposed to be dead by now?"

Manik : "Why are you behind her life?"

Alya : "Have you forgotten why you married her? Have you forgotten that I am your girlfriend?"

Manik didn't respond immediately He was trying to calm himself down before responding.

Alya : "If you have forgotten, then let me remind you. You married her because her granddad was ready to transfer property in your name when she dies."

Manik couldn't keep his calm.

Manik : "I wasn't behind the property, you were. You were the one who pressurized me into this. I don't need their property."

Alya : "It doesn't look like she is going to die anytime soon. How long are we going to wait like this?"

Alya : "We need to put an end to this. If she doesn't die on her own, then we have to figure out someway to put an end to her life. If you can't then I will find a way on my own."

Manik was furious now. He was trying everything he could do so that Nandini's health improves and she lives longer. Alya on the other hand was talking about putting an end to Nandini's life.

Manik : "Alya! You aren't going to do anything to harm her. Stay away from her."

Manik calmed himself down. Neither the place nor the time was right to talk about it further.

Manik : "You need wealth to fulfill your dreams. Leave it to me. I will think what can be done. Right now we should concentrate on our contest, we have only a few days left for it. I will sort it out after the contest."

Manik : "Will you please leave now? I have to attend a meeting."

Manik skipped his lunch because of Alya. He had forgotten that he had got a call. Nandini overheard there conversation, she disconnected the call.

Nandini was devastated after the call. She felt her world was crumbling down. She hadn't expected that Manik and Alya were in relationship before her marriage.

In the evening, when Manik came home he was stressed. Nandu didn't let Manik know that she had overheard their conversation.

Nandini : "What happened? Why are you so stressed?"

Manik : "You don't have to worry about it. I can handle it. Now that you are beside me, my stress will vanish in no time."

He observed that Nandini was dull.

Manik : "Are you ok? Why are you so dull today? You didn't seem to be ok when I called you too."

Nandu : "Yes...just a little tired."

Manik : "Take some rest then."

They had an early dinner. He gave Nandu her medicines. Manik put her to bed and tucked her. He was about to move from there.

Nandu : "Please stay with me."

Manik also lied down beside her and took her in his arms. She closed her eyes, but Manik was staring at the ceiling. Both were lost in their own thoughts.Manik was thinking how to sort out the matter in hand. Nandini on the other hand began to fear that she will lose Manik soon.

Nandini went to sleep, but Manik was wide awake. Nandini had her nightmare again after a very long time. She started moving in her sleep. Manik sensed that Nandini was restless. He held her hand and caressed her head with his other hand. Manik thought she had a bad dream. Nandini calmed down, she didn't wake up like how she usually does when she has a nightmare.

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