Part 12

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It was Nandu's medicine time. Manik walked into the room. Nandu was about to throw the tablet into the trash can after making sure no one was seeing her. But seeing Manik she stopped and put her hand down slowly.

Manik had observed Nandini doing something similar earlier too, but he hadn't payed much attention and had ignored it in the past. Slowly he had figured out what she was doing.

Manik : "What were you trying to do?"

Nandu : "Nothing... Nothing at all."

Manik : "Show me your hand."

Nandu showed the other hand.

Manik : "The other one."

She had the tablet in her other hand.

Manik : "Have your medicines now."

Nandu swallowed her tablets unwillingly.

Manik : "Do you think that know one knows what you are doing?"

Nandu : "What did I do?"

Manik : "The medicines are for you, not for the trash can. Instead of having your medicines, you are throwing them away.

Nandu : "How did you know?"

Manik : "I have seen you doing it myself. But why are you not taking your medicines?"

Nandini : "It tastes very bad."

Manik wasn't convinced with her answer. She wasn't a small kid to not take medicines since they taste bad.

Manik : "Obviously it will taste bad. It is medicine, not sweet."

Manik : "I will keep a watch on you. If I figure out you are not having your medicines regularly, then consequences won't be good."

Nandu : "What will you do?"

Manik : "I will disclose this secret of yours. Also I will tell the doctor to give you injections instead of tablets."

Nandu : "Oh no.. no injections please! I will have my medicines."

Nandini was behaving like a little kid. Seeing Nandini's expressions, Manik felt like chuckling. But he didn't want Nandini to see that, so he turned around facing his back towards her. Manik wanted Nandini to take his threat seriously and not just ignore it.

Manik had seen how Nandini's granddad and her friend pretended to be fine in front of her, but were worried for her. Though Manik didn't believe in god, he had seen both of them praying for Nandini's well being. But this girl was doing exactly the opposite by not having her medicines.

The thought that if Nandini doesn't have her medicine, she would die soon and he would be free of the contract never came to Manik's mind. He cared for her well being genuinely even without realizing it.

Nandu(murmerring): "I thought he was my prince charming. But he is threatening me by talking about injections and letting out my secret. He is such a Monster."

Manik : "I heard that."

Nandini bit her tongue and hit her forehead after realizing that she was murmerring loud enough for Manik to hear.

A few days later, Manik went to meet his friends. He was still talking on the phone when he entered the room, his friends were already waiting for him there.

Manik(on the phone) : "I just reached. I will call you when I start from here.Bye."

Fab5 were chatting and time flew by. When Manik saw the time, he realized he won't be able to reach home by dinner time. So he called Nandini to inform her.

Manik : "I will be little late. Don't wait for me. Have your dinner and remember to have your medicines."

Manik : "It's cold outside. If you plan to sit in the balcony, cover yourself well. Take care."

Manik's friends observed the change in his behavior. Alya didn't like him being so concerned for Nandu, but she was the one who had forced him into it. It was just a matter of few months, so she didn't say anything. Cabir was happy to see his friend genuinely caring for Nandu.

Days were passing by. Nandini had started taking her medicines regularly. Also she had been sleeping better from the time she met Manik because she wasn't getting her nightmares. Her health had improved a little. Manik's fake care and concern had slowly turned into real care and concern but he hadn't realized yet.

One day Manik came home late from work. Nandini wasn't in her room. He saw her sitting in the balcony. She was holding a book in her hands, but she was staring at the sky. He came and sat next to her, but Nandu seemed to be lost.

Manik : "Where are you lost?"

Nandu : "Hmm.. I was talking to my parents."

Manik : "Talking to your parents? Here?How?"

Nandu : "They say when someone close to you dies, they become a star. See that one is my dad and the one next to it is my mom."

Manik : "Were you multitasking? Talking to your parents and reading too.What were you reading?"

Nandu : "It is a love story."

She was going to explain more.

Manik : "Leave it. You know I don't believe in it."

Nandu : "Why don't you believe in it?"

Manik didn't want to talk about it.

Manik : "Why do you believe in it?"

Nandu : "I asked you first."

Nandu : Doesn't matter, I will tell you first, but then you will tell me your reason for not believing."

Nandu : "First, Because of my parents. Their's was a love marriage. Anyone could see how much they cared and loved each other. They even died together holding each other's hands. But may be they didn't love me enough, so they left me here."

Nandu : "Second, myself. I used to read a lot of romantic novels earlier. Like all other girls,  I used to dream about my Prince Charming too. But after I lost my parents, I lost interest in everything. I was just waiting for the day when death will engulf me. I never thought there will be any place for love in my life."

Nandu : "Then I met you. You occupied my thoughts during the day. At night, my nightmares got replaced with dreams about you. I don't know how just meeting you once changed my life so much. No matter how much I tried to divert my thoughts, I couldn't. It was then I realized that I had fallen for you."

Nandu : "I thought I will be spending rest of my life just looking at your photos. Sorry, I asked Navya to get your photos without taking your permission.  I thought you will just remain the prince of my dreams.I never thought even in my dreams that I will get to spend my last days with you. But you are here with me now."

Nandu : "Now your turn, why don't you believe in love?"

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