Thank you note and few clarifications

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Thank you for all your votes and comments! As always your votes and comments motivates me to continue writing.

So please do continue to support by casting your valuable votes and provide your feedback through comments. Your comments help me figure out how you feel about the story and also  I can provide clarifications when necessary.

I went through the comments. Instead of replying to each comment individually, i am updating it here on this page. I was planning to write a few of these things as a part of the story,but dropped it later thinking it will make the update lengthy and may not help much with the progress of the story. Some things might have appeared to be out of context and few others might get clarified as the story progresses. So I dropped it, but after reading your comments, I thought of clarifying a few things.

Alya is a character with negative shades. It is not that she doesn't care about Fab5, but she tops her priority list. She can goto any extent to achieve what she wants. Suicide drama and influencing Manik to agree for the marriage proves that. But she plays a very important part in the plot. It is her greed for wealth which leads to Nandu's entry into Manik's life.

I will leave it to the reader's imagination whether the contract states the ownership of entire property or a part of the property. That is why, i just mentioned ownership of property in the update. From my point of view :

Alya is very greedy and she is mainly responsible for Manik to agree for the proposal. Manik would have gone for a smaller portion of the property,but Alya wouldn't leave Manik in peace till he agrees for the entire property. When Murthy himself has offered it, why would she let such an opportunity slip through her hands?

When it comes to Murthy, Nandu is his only family. He could go to any extent for Nandu's happiness. Moreover, Nandu was the only heir to his property. If anything happened to her, the property would automatically go to her husband if she is married.Property wouldn't have mattered to Mr.Murthy if Nandu was no longer with him.

I did think of Mr.Murthy giving a portion of his property to Navya. Nandu and Navya's is pure friendship. Navya may take the responsibility for the company's progress, but may not be ready to accept the property just because Nandu is her friend.

Mr.Murthy didn't blindly put the proposal in front of Manik as soon as he came to know about Manik from Navya. He got more information about Manik from his sources, which was like a background check. Also Manik rejected Murthy's proposal at first. Mr.Murthy was a successful businessman. He had many years of experience dealing with people and could judge the character of the person.

Manik was well qualified. He wasn't selfish or evil, otherwise he wouldn't have still been working a part time job or denied Mr.Murthy's proposal at first. Probably if it was someone like Alya, she would grabbed the opportunity immediately.

Mr.Murthy had figured out there was some other reason for Manik's acceptance, but he didn't know what it was. He added the clause till Nandini's last breath, so that Manik wouldn't back out later for some unknown reason and leave Nandini. The clause itself would have been danger for Nandini's life if the person she gets married to was evil. The person could even kill Nandini for the property.

But the only thing Mr.Murthy missed out was that Manik could have a girlfriend. Alya introduced herself as Manik's friend.

You may not like Manik's character in the story so far and a few more parts to come, but I don't want you to hate him. I don't want to give away the story, but i will give a few hints.The rest will get clarified as the story progresses.

Manik has a little past(nothing dramatic) which will explain why he doesn't believe in love, why he considers only Fab5 as his family. He wants to free the land from debt, but it is not for monetary reasons.

Manik knew about his friends money related problems - one had an older parent who needed expensive medical treatment, the other had sisters to get married, another had siblings who were still studying and so on. Manik decided to go with the proposal for his friends and their families benefit.

I have tried to characterize Manik based on how i think the world works : Consider a situation where one side you have your family and friends and on the other side a few people whom you don't know. When it comes to your close ones, you are ready to let go and forgive them even if they end up making a huge mistake. You care for them and protect them irrespective of how they are. You are even ready to sacrifice for their benefit.

When it comes to people whom you don't know, you don't do the same. Even if it is a small mistake, it might be blown out of proportion. You don't know them, so you can misunderstand them. You don't care about them as much as you care for your own. It is also easier to put blame on unknown people than to blame your own.

It is the same case with Manik here. His friends are his family. Marrying someone whom you don't know for the benefit of his friends is a huge sacrifice on his part. He is definitely not selfish.

Mr.Murthy and Nandini are more or less strangers to him. He doesn't know what kind of people they are actually. He isn't as experienced as Mr.Murthy to judge their character by meeting them once or twice. From his point of view, they treated him like an asset and tried to purchase him. Nandini could be a rich spoilt brat as Mukti mentioned and Mr.Murthy would be arrogrant rich man who doesn't care for feelings of people who aren't wealthy.

Probably, you can say in a way Murthy and Manik are similar, but on different sides of the situation. Murthy is giving away wealth for Nandu's happiness and Manik is taking it for benefit of his friends.

Manik didn't feel anything like how Nandu felt when he helped her. But he cared for her as a good human being. At that instant, it came naturally to him. There are people who can show fake concern, he wasn't one of them. But now he was forced to do the same that too for someone whom he didn't know.

Hope this update makes things more clear. If you feel I have missed mentioning anything, you can always get back to me.

Thank you once again for your encouragement!

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