Part 4

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Next day morning, Nandu woke up when the sun rays started peeking through the curtains of her room windows and fell on her eyes.

Nandu's thoughts:

"How did i manage to sleep for so long today?"
"Oh...i didn't get the nightmare ... instead.. instead i saw him in my dream?"
"I saw him just once. I don't even know who he is?Then why did i see him in my dream?"

Even after a few days, Nandu couldn't take him out from her thoughts or her dreams. She caressed the place where he held her.

Nandu's thoughts :

"Why am I not able to forget him and his touch? It felt so different as though a spark passed through my entire body. That instant I felt so lively, so secure, so peaceful... I can't even find the exact words to describe how it felt. How can I feel so many things at once that too with a stranger?"
"Aiyappa, I am not able to figure out anything. All these days I was thinking about my parents death and looking forward to my end. Now, all I think about is him and his touch. How can a small incident change the way I think and feel? What has happened to me?"

Nandu came out of her thoughts. She wanted to divert her mind. She took the remote and switched on the T.V. A movie was playing on the current channel and the title was "Love Story". She browsed through several channels, but most of the channels showed scenes related to love or talked about it. It was as though she was directed to the answer for her questions.

Nandu's thoughts :
"Is this love? Am I feeling this way because I fell for him? But I hadn't even seen him properly until he held me from falling. It was only after i felt something special about the touch I saw him. How is it even possible? But if this isn't love, then what else could it be? Why are things so confusing?"
"I did wish that a Prince Charming enters my life like how it happens in fairy tales and movies. I wanted to have a love story like my mom and dad's. But that was all in the past. After my parents passed away, I didn't even think about it."
"Aiyappa, All I asked you is for a way so that I can goto my parents soon. And I thought you fulfilled my wish too. But now when I thought that I can Rest In Peace soon, why these feelings? What can I do about it? You are having fun seeing me like this, isn't it?"

Few more days passed, Nandu felt that she wanted to see him, but she knew she couldn't. After Nandu fainted last time, she was strictly prohibited from stressing herself or going outside by her grandad. So when Navya came to meet her next,

Nandu : "Navya, can you do me a favor?"

Navya : "Why are you asking like this? Tell me what you want me to do?"

Nandu : "Do you remember that person who helped us when i fainted?"

Navya : "Hmm...what about him?"

Nandu : "Can you...(she hesitated) can you get me his photos or videos?"

Navya : "Ok...but why?"

Nandu : "From that day, i am not able to forget him. He has occupied my thoughts and dreams. I want to see him again, but i am not allowed to go out."

After hearing her and thinking about it,

Navya : "Don't tell me, you fell in love with him by just meeting him once?"

Nandu : "I think I did.I had heard and read about it. But i never thought i would feel so, that too at this stage of life."

Navya : "Really! No doubt, he is handsome. But I thought you are not someone who would fall for good looks. What did you see in him in a few minutes you met him?"

Nandu explained in the best possible way she could as to how she felt when he held her from falling.

Navya : "Don't you want to meet him personally and tell him?"

Nandu : "Why will i tell him? "

Navya : "Whom are you going to tell then?"

Nandu : "What will i tell him? I will be dying in a few months, but i love you. Why will anyone accept it? He will reject me immediately. It is better i keep it to myself."

Navya : "Ok..i will get them for you. But don't talk about dying all the time."

Navya went through the employee records and found Alya's photo. She got Alya's information and spied on Alya till she was able to track the person she was actually looking for. Navya managed to click a few photos and videos of him without he or his friends knowing about it. She managed to figure out a little information about him.

Days were passing by. Nandini was content seeing Manik's photos and videos and dreaming about him. Murthy had observed that Nandu seemed a little happier than her usual self.

Murthy :"Nandu you seem to be happier than usual from past few days. What is the reason?"

Nandu : "Nothing Daddu, just like that."

Nandu's thoughts: "How do I tell you Daddu? It feels so abnormal to tell that i, who will be dying soon, fell in the love with someone whom i didn't know anything about. Even if I tell you, there is nothing you can do about it."

Nandu would have kept it a secret even from Navya if she didn't have to take Navya's help.

Navya had come to know that Manik's group was performing in one of the orchestras. She recorded the video focusing on Manik. She was checking the video before passing it on to Nandu, Mr.Murthy walked to her cabin just then.

Murthy saw the video playing on her laptop.

Mr. Murthy : "You are sitting and watching a video during office hours, so must be someone special. Who is he?"

Navya hesitated to tell since Nandu wanted it to be a secret.

Mr.Murthy : "Now I am sure, you made a boyfriend and you didn't even tell me?"

Navya : "He isn't my boy friend.. he is Nandu's..."

Navya realized what she was telling and stopped.

Murthy: "What? He is Nandu's boyfriend. When did that happen? She doesn't even go outside the house, then how?"

Navya : "No he isn't her boyfriend."

Murthy: "Then? What did you mean by Nandu's?"

Not knowing how to answer Mr.Murthy, she decided to tell the truth. Navya explained how they met Manik and how he helped them, her and Nandu's conversation and how she tracked him through Alya.

Murthy : "Hmm... so he is the reason for Nandu being happy from the past few days."

Murthy got Manik's photo from Navya and got more information about him using his sources. If just meeting Manik once had bought a change in Nandu's life, then having him beside her would fill rest of her days with happiness. Murthy decided to turn her dream into reality. Mr.Murthy couldn't ask Manik to come and stay with them just like that.It would be against the norms, so he came up with an idea.

Murthy : "Nandu, Navya told me about Manik. Would you like to marry him?"

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