Part 10

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Flashback contd...

Navya : "I joined college with scholarship, but there were other expenses. So I started looking for a job."

Another Flashback within flashback

Navya : "I am looking for a job, do you know any place where I can find one?"

Nandu : "I go to Murthy Towers after college hours. Murthy Towers owner is also trustee of our college. You are a good student, you can get a part time job there. I will check and confirm if it's ok with you."

Navya started working part time at Murthy Towers after college.

After a few months, Navya saw the Murthy mansion when she and Nandu were passing by in a scooty.

Navya : "Did you see that mansion, it is so huge."

Nandu : "Hmm..."

Navya : "It looks so posh from outside. How would the interiors be? Never in my life will I be able to step into such a mansion. I can't think of it even in my dreams."

Nandu : "Why are you thinking like that? Do you want to see the mansion?"

Navya : "I would love to, but why think about something which is impossible."

Nandu : "Nothing is impossible. You can see the mansion right now."

Navya : "Nandu, Have you gone crazy? The guards will chase us away from the gate itself."

Nandu drove towards the mansion. The security opened the gates for her and they went inside.

Navya : "Wow! It is so beautiful. But how did they let us in?"

Nandu : "First you see the house, I will tell you later."

While looking around, Navya's eyes fell on Nandu's photo and Mr.Murthy's photo.

Navya was surprised and her mouth was opened in an "O". It was then Navya realized it is Nandu's house.

Navya : "Nandu this is your house?"

Nandu : "Yes"

Navya : "Why didn't you tell me that you are so wealthy and you are Murthy's grand daughter about whom he talks?"

Nandu : "I didn't want anyone to know about it."

Navya : "But Why?"

Nandu : "You think I will be able to live my life like how i am leading now, if everyone knows about it. I was in boarding school till i joined college,now i wish to live my life the way i want to at least till i finish college. People know Mr.Murthy has a granddaughter, but not many know it is me. Even you are not going to tell anyone about it."

Navya : "In spite of being so rich you became friends with me. Anyone would have been ready to be your friend."

Nandu : "Why are you trying to connect wealth with friendship? Yes I would have got many friends, but they wouldn't have been a true friend like you."

Nandu : "They would have been the trustee's granddaughter's friend or Mr.Murthy Jr's daughter's friend, not Nandini's friend."

Nandu : "Come with me, I want to show you something."

Nandu took out an album and pointed to a photo, it was a small building probably with one room.

Nandu : "When my Daddu came to this city, he had very little money with him. He started his business here."

She showed Navya few more photos, size of the building was bigger than the previous in each of the photos. Last photo was that of Murthy Towers.

Nandu : "Did you figure out why I am showing you these photos?"

Navya nodded her head in a no.

Nandu : "I wanted to show you that nothing is impossible. You need to focus on your dream and face the obstacles that come in your path. Daddu followed his dreams and reached where he is now. He had to face a lot of obstacles but he never gave up."

Flashback within flashback ends...

Navya : "Nandu was there for me always. If not for her, I wouldn't have been here. That's the reason I told that I am lucky to have her as my friend."

Cabir : "You said that Nandini doesn't flaunt her wealth. But Nandini married Manik by putting forth that proposal, wasn't that flaunting her wealth."

Navya : "Nandu doesn't know anything about the talks between Manik and her grandad. I doubt the fact that wealth is involved in this wedding will ever cross her mind."

Cabir : "You told me so much about your friend. Don't you want to know about your friend's husband?"

Navya : "I meet Manik often, so I think I will be able to figure out myself. Both Nandu and her grandad must have seen something in Manik to accept him as a part of their family, and I trust their judgement. Nandini is happy since the time Manik stepped into her life. For now, that is all I want. Manik cared for Nandini when she was a stranger to him, so I feel he will surely care more for her as a husband once he gets adjusted."

Cabir : "It will take some time for Manik to adjust. Manik considers us,his friends, as his only family. He doesn't mingle with others that easily. So i don't know how long it will be before Manik starts caring for Nandini in the way you are saying."

Navya : "Don't worry about that. So far, i haven't met a person who is more caring than Nandini. Staying with her, even Manik will learn soon."

They continued to talk for some more time. Since Navya was the talkative kind, Cabir had got all the information he wanted to know without much effort.

Flashback ends....

(Cabir didn't tell his friends everything that Navya and he discussed. He told them only the information that was required to show them that Nandini wasn't as they thought her to be.)

Dhruv's tummy started rumbling.

Dhruv : "I am feeling hungry. Can we continue with this talk at the restaurant?"

Mukti : "What has happened to you today? It appears as though Cabir's soul is trapped in your body."

Dhruv : "I skipped lunch today, I was busy."

Cabir : "You guys go ahead and place the order. I and Manik will join you in a few minutes."

Cabir : "It is saint Cabir's preaching time and now it is specially for my disciple Manik."

Fab3 left the practice room and Cabir continued talking to Manik.

Cabir : "I understand how you are feeling and why you are feeling so. You are staying at a different place, away from your actual home. Anyone in your place would feel uncomfortable and Murthy mansion is no less than a palace. It will take a few days for you to get used to your surroundings."

Cabir : "You have been on your own, doing your own things for quite a few years. So it is quite natural for you to feel that Nandini is interfering in your matters. You got into this relationship as a part of a contract, but for Nandini you are her husband in the real sense."

Cabir : "When Nandini met Navya, Navya was a stranger to her. Still Nandini cared for Navya. You are Nandini's husband, so naturally she will care a lot more for you. When she can have servants at her beck and call, why do you think she does things for you personally, though she is not well? That is because she cares for you. I have seen my mom caring for dad in a similar way."

Cabir : "You were telling about Nandini asking you a lot of questions. You are new to Nandini in the same way she is to you. If she has to know about you, she has to ask questions. She may not continue asking questions the way she is doing now, once she knows you well."

Cabir : "Now coming to your problem.Even for you to pretend that you care for Nandini, you will have to know more about her. To do that, you will have to ask her or people around her in the same way she asks you. If you have to gift her something like how Mukti said, you first have to find out what she likes."

Cabir : "Think over what i told you. The earlier you understand it, the better. It will make your life easier as well."

Cabir : "Come let's go and join them at the restaurant. They might be waiting for us."

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