Part 7

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Manik was under the impression that Nandini initiated the proposal. He was still upset with Nandu and her granddad for considering him like an asset and putting a price tag on him.

Manik's thoughts : "It is better if I keep to myself today. Otherwise, i might end up saying something in anger that might mess up the situation."

Manik : "It was a tiring day and I have a very bad headache, so I will go to sleep."

Nandu : "Ok"

Manik layed down on the bed. Nandu also changed her dress and lied down beside him.

Nandini called Manik. She thought of asking him if he wanted anything(massage or medicines) that could help reduce his headache. Manik didn't respond, he pretended to be asleep. He didn't want to talk to her at that time.

Manik's thoughts : "I don't understand what is it with these girls and love. Both Alya and Nandini claim to love me, when I don't even believe in it. But I am the one who is trapped because of their so called love."

Manik's thoughts: "One made me her boyfriend and the other made me her husband, both of which I didn't want to be. At least I knew Alya, i had to agree because she was my friend.But Nandini is no one to me but still I had to agree keeping my friends in mind."

Manik's thoughts : "What have I got myself into? What am I going to do now? How am i going to stay with Nandini and pretend to be a caring husband?"

Manik went to sleep thinking about the same, but Nandu was still wide awake.

All these days Nandu was content only seeing Manik's photos and videos. Now he was in front of her for real, Nandu was looking at Manik and admiring him. She saw stress lines on his forehead.She eased them out very gently with her fingers. Nandu also went to sleep after sometime.

Next day Morning,

Nandu : "Good Morning!"

Manik : "Good Morning!"

They both freshened up.

Nandu : "Would you like to have tea or coffee?"

Manik : "Black tea."

After a little while,

Nandu : "Would you like to have your breakfast here or downstairs?"

Manik : "I will have it downstairs."

The rest of the day passed in a similar fashion. Manik didn't take any initiative to speak on his own. He responded to Nandini with short answers whenever he had to. Next day also passed in a similar manner.

Seeing Manik's behavior since the wedding day, some thoughts started forming in Nandu's mind. Nandu had her usual nightmare again. She woke up in the middle of the night screaming, it woke up Manik too. Nandu had tears in her eyes and she was restless.

Manik : "What happened? Why did you scream?"

Nandu didn't respond immediately. Seeing her condition, at that moment Manik didn't remember his anger and cared for her genuinely. Manik gave her some water to drink. Nandu calmed down.

Manik : "Are you ok now? or do you want me to call anyone?"

Nandini : "Yes, i am fine. It was just a nightmare."

Nandu hadn't got the nightmare since she met Manik, but her doubts had given raise to the nightmare again.

Instead of keeping her doubts to herself, Nandini asked Manik about it the next day.

Nandini : "You seemed to be stressed since our wedding? Did my granddad pressurize you for this wedding?"

Manik was still thinking how to answer her. He didn't expect that Nandini could see through him, except Cabir none of his friends could.

Nandini : "You can tell me if that is the case, I will talk to Daddu and sort it out. Maybe I should have talked to you earlier, but Daddu told me he will take care of everything."

Manik : "No it is nothing like that. It is just that things happened so fast, I need sometime to get used to it. That's all."

Nandini : "Oh..ok."

Nandu wasn't convinced with his answer.

A little later, Manik went out in the pretext of some work. He was feeling suffocated staying at the mansion from the past few days.

Navya came to meet Nandu that evening. Nandu raised her doubts again when talking to Navya.

Nandu : "You were with Daddu when he spoke to Manik right? What did Daddu do to convince Manik for the wedding?"

Navya : "What happened Nandu? Why are you asking about it now?"

Nandu : "I felt that Manik is stressed about something. I trust Daddu. He wouldn't have gone against my condition. But Daddu didn't tell me how Manik agreed for the wedding too. So I just wanted to make sure that our wedding isn't the reason for it."

Navya : "What condition did you put in front of Daddu?and Why?"

Nandu : "Daddu was trying to convince me for the wedding, i couldn't deny him repeatedly. But how can i agree knowing that i won't live for long. So i told Daddu that he should tell Manik the truth about my health condition. I knew no one would agree on their own to marry someone who is dying. But there were chances Daddu might put pressure on him, so i told Daddu he shouldn't force Manik in any way for the wedding."

Nandu : "I asked Manik about it too, but he told there is nothing like that. He just needs some time to adjust."

Navya : "I can't tell you how your Daddu convinced him, he has told me not to mention it to you. But I can assure you that he didn't go against your condition, he gave Manik an option and Manik could have backed out if he wanted too."

Nandu : "You told Daddu about Manik when I told you to keep it a secret, but you can't tell me about Daddu?"

Nandu : "Are you my friend or Daddu's? You are taking Daddu's side instead of mine, not fair."

Navya : "I am your friend. I disclosed about Manik to your Daddu by mistake. But I am not sorry. Manik would have just remained prince of your dreams otherwise. But now, he is with you for real."

Navya : "If at some point of time you come to know the truth, just remember that whatever your Daddu did was for your happiness. You are the only family he has, he can go to any extent for you. He won't think twice even if has to give up his life for you."

Nandu : "Hmm...I know that."

Navya : "Then what is bothering you."

Nandu : "I just don't want my happiness to be the cause of worry for someone else."

Navya : "There is nothing of that sort, so stop worrying and be happy."

Navya : "If you continue to stress yourself like this, it definitely will become a cause of worry for all of us."

Navya tried to divert Nandu's attention.

Navya : "By the way, your wedding freed me of one part time job i had."

Nandu : "You never told me you had a part time job."

Navya : "You have forgotten, you were the one who assigned it to me. I don't have to be your photographer or cameraman anymore. I don't have to hide and take pictures or videos of Manik anymore."

Nandu and Navya continued to chit chat.

There was someone standing outside the room next to the door, who overheard their conversation.

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