Part 16

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Thank you all for your votes and positive comments! It always motivates me to continue writing.
———————Back to the story———————
Fab5 put in a lot of effort. They managed to record a song and enter the contest on time. Their band was selected for the next round and they started practicing.

Days were passing by. Nandini's health had improved and she was allowed to go out occasionally.

Nandu : "Shall I also come with you for your practice today?"

Manik : "Sure."

Manik took Nandu with him. They were practicing and Manik began to cough suddenly. Nandu got up immediately and got water for him even before the others could think about it. Nandu rubbed his back till he was fine. After Manik stopped coughing, she gave him water to drink.

Manik : "What was the need for you to get up? I would have managed."

Nandini : "How can I just sit there after seeing that you were coughing so badly?"

They continued to practice.

After their practice,

Alya : "Let's go somewhere fun. Tomorrow is a holiday too, so it is ok if it gets late today."

Everyone else agreed except Manik.

Manik : "It is already late. Nandu might get tired. She has to have her medicines too, so I will take her home. I will join you guys some other time."

Nandini : "Manik, you go with them. Driver will drop me home."

Nandini was ready to leave, when Manik held her hand.

Manik : "No, I can't let you go on your own. I will come with you. I will go with them some other time."

It was very clear how much both Manik and Nandini cared for each other. Alya was fuming in anger. She felt that Manik never cared so much for her.

After Manik and Nandini left,

Alya : "Why did Manik have to get her here too? He could have sent Nandini with the driver and come with us. Nowadays, he keeps chanting her name all the time."

There were a few times when Manik had left immediately after practice telling that Nandini will be waiting for him.

Cabir : "They stay together, it is natural for them to care for each other. Nandini isn't well, so it is Manik's responsibility to make sure she reaches home safely."

Cabir : "Moreover, this is the first time she has come here. Otherwise he is here on his own."

Mukti : "Alya, you were the one who played a major role in convincing Manik to agree for this relationship. Weren't you aware that these things were bound to happen?Then why are you getting jealous now?"

Alya vented out her feelings thinking that her friends will support her, but they didn't. Cabir supported Manik's actions and Mukti pointed that whatever was happening was consequences of Alya's own actions. Alya herself was responsible for it, so she couldn't say anything to Manik.

One morning when Manik woke up, he didn't find Nandu in their room. He went out looking for her. Manik saw Nandu was in the puja room. It was a festival day. Nandu had closed her eyes and was immersed in praying to God.

Manik was about to go back to their room. That's when his eyes fell on Nandu's dupatta. It was close to the lamp and it had caught fire. Manik called Nandu but she couldn't hear him because devotional songs were on.

Manik rushed to Nandu immediately . Murthy mansion was so huge and Manik had to run from one end of the hall to another.He immediately pulled her dupatta and put off the fire. He was out of breath, and raised his voice when talking to her.

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