Part 11

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Manik thought over what Cabir told him. Cabir behaved like a joker sometimes, but he was also the most sensible person in the group. He wasn't biased and thought about a situation from different perspectives.

Cabir was right about why Manik felt the way he did. Manik didn't even remember seeing his mom and dad together. So how was he to know how a wife and husband would care for each other like how Cabir did. Currently, In Manik's dictionary, care only meant caring for his friends. Caring for others popped up only once in a while.

Manik decided to follow Cabir's advice. He understood Nandini's perspective, so he wasn't getting irritated with her gestures anymore. He tried to get adjusted to his surroundings as well. But there was still one problem. Manik would care genuinely for Nandini only once in a while. Caring all the time didn't come naturally, so he had to fake it.

During Manik and Nandini's conversation,

Manik : "What are your likes?"

Nandini was surprised by his question. Manik hadn't taken the initiative to know about her so far. She was also thinking what to answer. After the accident, she had lost interest in life and didn't bother much about what she liked. After Manik stepped into her life, all she thought about was him. She didn't just like him, but she loved him a lot. How was she to tell him that? That is when, they heard a knock on the door.

Navya : "May i come in?"

Nandu : "Come in. From when did you start taking permission to come in?"

Navya : "From the time you guys got married. So what were you discussing, did i disturb you?"

Nandu : "No, you didn't. Manik was asking about my likes."

Navya : "Nandu herself doesn't remember what she likes, then how will she tell you. I can tell you what she likes."

Navya had brought some flowers which she was putting in the vase.

Navya : "You see these flowers, this is one of her favorites. Nandu likes gazing at the stars, she likes fireflies."

Manik's thoughts : "Mukti and Alya like flashy and glittery things, and Nandini likes shining and glowing things. These girls and their likings, i guess i will never understand."

Navya went on with the list of what Nandu liked.

Navya : "These were all the things she liked, but the latest one is here. She hasn't shown me what it is, but i have an idea of what it could be."

Navya pointed at the bottom most drawer in the bedside stand. Nandu stopped Navya from opening it.

Manik was thinking about what Navya told him. Manik didn't try to figure out what was in the drawer, since Nandu had stopped Navya from opening it too.

Navya used to get flowers for Nandini.He had seen Nandini gazing at the stars sometimes. Nandu seemed to have everything which she liked except for the fireflies. He didn't know the reason behind why Nandini liked stars or fireflies. Manik took some effort to find fireflies and filled a jar with them. He wrapped the jar and gave it to Nandini.

Manik : "This one is for you."

Nandini : "What is this?"

Manik : "Open and see it for yourself."

Nandini took out the wrapper and found a jar of fireflies. The fireflies were glowing. Seeing that, Nandini's face lit up with a bright smile.

Nandini : "Thank you!"

Nandini's smile spoke more than her words. Probably, her smile was brighter than the glow of the fireflies. Manik could say for sure that Nandini was happy with his gift. Manik was yet to realize what fireflies meant for Nandini and what he had given her in the form of fireflies.

During another conversation,

Manik : "I hear you saying Aiappa most of the time. It seems to be your favorite word. What does it mean?"

Nandu : "You don't know what it is?"

Manik : "I think appa means dad in your language, but i don't know what Aiappa means?"

Nandu : "Aiappa is the god we believe in. Which god do you believe in?"

Manik : "I don't believe in god."

Nandu : "Why not?"

Manik : "God didn't give me a reason to believe."

Manik didn't seem to be interested in talking about it, so Nandu didn't probe further.

Nandini did things for Manik because she loved him, but Manik did things to show that he cared.

Manik was in the room when the doctor came to check Nandini.

Doctor : "How is my princess doing?"

Nandu : "Not Good. Princess is trapped in this castle."

Manik was surprised to hear Nandini's answer.

Manik's thoughts : "Why does she feel trapped in her own house?"

Doctor : "Why is the princess feeling that she is trapped?"

Nandu : "I am not allowed to do anything, i am not allowed go anywhere."

Doctor : "That is a good sign. You are showing interest in doing things and going out.Looks like this is the effect of your prince charming."

Doctor : "But I am sorry, I can't give you permission till your health improves."

One day, when Manik came home, he had a terrible headache. Nandu sensed that he wasn't well.

Nandu : "What happened? Aren't you feeling well?"

Manik : "I have a terrible headache."

Nandu : "Come, I will massage your head."

Manik : "No, it's alright. I will take medicine, it will be fine soon."

Nandu : "I used to massage my Daddu whenever, he had a headache. According to him, my hands have magic and his headache would disappear in a few minutes. Why don't you give it a try?"

Nandu took a pillow and kept on her lap indicating him to lie down. Manik layed down on the bed, keeping his head on Nandu's lap. As Nandu had mentioned, his headache was gone and after a few minutes he had dozed off.

Manik woke up after sometime and figured out that he had been sleeping for a long time. He saw Nandu sitting with her eyes closed and his head was still on her lap. He got up immediately, Nandu opened her eyes too.

Manik : "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Nandu : "I didn't feel like disturbing your sleep."

Nandini tried to get down from the bed, but her legs were numb. Manik observed that.

Manik was genuinely concerned. Nandini was sick and was supposed to rest. Instead he had dozed off to sleep on her lap without realizing.

Manik : "Are your legs hurting? Can I do something for you?"

Nandu : "No.. just a little numb.It will be fine soon."

Days were passing by. Manik was more comfortable with Nandini as well as his surroundings. Nandini had stopped asking too many questions. She knew a lot more about him now and continued to care for him.

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