Reinhardt x Chubby! Reader: Learn To Love Yourself

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I honestly need to learn how to stop making promises I can't keep! Sorry the story didn't come sooner, but as I can't give two shits about my history class and still pass it, I've been using it to write in my notebook for stories to post! Currently, I have three more done and one I'm currently working on! I how to stop being a lazy ass and rewrite them herr, but with finals on the horizon and trying to do cheer at the same time, it's kinda hard, but I'll still try! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it really hits a personal spot with me.

(Y/N)'s Pov

I looked into the cracked mirror, from all the abuse it's lived through, and assessed the weight spread across my body from head to toe. I started with my cherubis face and the evident double chin when I looked down; my arms, thicker than most; boobs, too small compared to the rest of my body proportions; stomach, the number 1 enemy as it stuck out so prominently; and thighs, so thick that they rub together at every step. I took a good amount of time on each body part, and tore apart every little thing about myself; tearing my mental state apart at the same time. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks as I looked onward in disgust. I hadn't realized my lover, Reinhardt, had even entered the room until I heard a heavy sigh next to my ear and massive arms wrapped around my thick waist.

“Liebling, I feel like we do this everyday, and I wish you would stop this nonsense.” He said, calmly.

“Nonsense?! Reinhardt, look at me! I… I'm fat and… and ugly! How can you love something as horrendous as me?!” I screeched at him.

“i am looking at you, and all I see is beauty! I see a beautiful, kind-hearted, and pure soul that can see beauty in anyone or anything… but herself… and I wish she would just realize she is just absolutely stunning just the way she is…” He stated.

“Lies.” I mumbled.

“What was that?” He asked.

“Lies! Lies, I say! All you have spouted to me is lies! All you do is pity means should just leave me for someone better; because all you deserve is the best… Reinhardt.” I shouted, trailing off, will tears ran down my face.

“Liebling, you are the best for me. I don't want anyone else. I want you, no one else. He said, looking me in the eyes, and all I could see is all the love his eyes held for me.

“But how Reinhardt? How am I what's best for you? How can you see anything worth loving in me?” I asked him.

“For so many reasons, my liebling,” He grabbed my hands and continued,

“Because you are always there when I'm at my weakest, you are my home and shelter when I feel scared or alone. You take care of me and my wounds every time I return from a battle. And my darling, I don't care about physical features, all I can see is a radiant being. Besides, with your plush form, it leads to such an adorable partner that all I feel is a strong desire to cuddle with and fight off all the evil in the world and keep you protected at all costs. That's why you're the best for me and why you're worth and deserve all the love I can possibly provide.” He finished off.

“Reinhardt, what did I do to get such a great Teddybär? I can't see what you see but I'll try. I'll try and stop it and start being more accepting. It won't be instantaneous, but I'll work on it for you Rein.” I said while hugging him. I looked up to see a bright smile on his face.

“I love you, my liebling. Now, can we go and cuddle? Today's been long and I just need the soft touch of your hands.” He said as he put my hand on his face.

“Anything for you my Teddybär.” I said as he pulled me up in bridal style to our bed. Slowly, He slowly laid me down, then he proceeded to lay his head on my stomach. I then proceeded to pet his blond hair. Eventually, he fell asleep, me following after.

Once more, I hope you all enjoyed! Stories to look for in the future:
Zenyatta x Reader
Hanzo x Reader
Prefall! Soldier: 76 x Reader
Hanzo x Reader (Lemon!)

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