Zenyatta x Reader: Accepting oneself

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Weekly update! Hell yeah! This hits home a little. I wrote this story in honor of my English teacher. He was a great man, and I meant to put this up on his one year anniversary, but like any other assignment, I procrastinated and waited last minute or was late with everything. He was an amazing man, and I wish he hadn't gone, but at least his passing was a peaceful one. This story is 100% fictional, just a story that was dedicated to a man who taught me everything I know.

Requested By: krrrbo, Sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted.

(Y/N)'s PoV

The sun was just beginning to set when I had just stepped out onto the grassy field out in the garden. It was a scene that had brought me peace in the worst of times. I looked down at the rest of my body, made completely of cybernetics, all because of a horrible  tragedy years ago.


I had been sitting in science class, working on our experiment. It had been one including reactions with heat, or fire. It was loads of fun until my group had started fighting and things began to get out of hand, and created a fire that wasn't capable of being contained. We had unfortunately been sitting next to the cabinets filled with flammable and corrosive chemicals. The fire alarm had gone off at this point, but with my amusement with fire, I hadn't listened and not paying attention. It all went into slow motion as I saw the fire make contact with the cabinet and I then felt my body being pulled and covered before everything went black.

Later on when I was in the hospital bed, in my new body, I had learned my science teacher had pulled me away when the cabinet had gone up in a ball of flames and sent the corrosive substances everywhere, completely burning his backside, and my back as I landed on the floor unconscious, as the fire consumed us. I had been lucky enough to be saved and survive the tragic accident, but the same couldn't have been true for my science teacher. On that day, I lost not only all control of my own body, but a mentor that helped me through so many bad times and rejoiced with me during the good times.

*End of flashback*

While I thought about the past, I felt asva tear rolled down my cheeks, before I crouched down on the grass, and started to ball.

“I know it hurts my butterfly, but death is just another part of the life cycle.” I hear my mentor and boyfriend said.

“But Zenyatta, I killed him. I'm the reason he's dead. I'm the reason why his life was cut short. I should've been left for dead. He shouldn't have saved me.” I exclaimed, anger and sadness boiling inside of me.

“You shouldn't blame yourself for what happened that day. I may not understand the pain you feel, but with his heroic action, it shows that you were loved and cared for. He would not want to the blame yourself (Y/N).” He explained, but all I felt was more anger.

“I am to blame though! If I hadn't stared at the fir, we would both be alive! He would still be here, teach, like he should be! And I wouldn't be here!... Supposedly to get over this event and “come to terms” with this… this disgusting, horrid body that no one could ever learn to love…” I trailed off, letting the tears continue to fall and covering my face.

I felt Zenyatta's presence behind me move to in front of me, and properly sat on the ground with me.

“My butterfly, please face me.” He said in a calmer voice than usual. Instinctually, I looked up to face him. Although he couldn't show his emotions through facial expressions, I could feel he had been hurt and upset with what I had said. Slowly, he raised his hand to my face and gently placed it, cold to the touch. I nuzzle into his hand, comforted by it immediately. He then pressed his forehead against mine; I had felt as if in complete pleasure and closed my eyes when he spoke,

“My love, do not blame yourself, and do not think the you are not worthy of love or do not deserve it. If I were capable of it, I would place a thousand kisses across you entire body if I could, but unfortunately, I cannot. Instead this contact will hopefully be enough. I love you with my entire being, and with my entire being, and will forever and always. I plan to show my love for you every way possible. Please, my butterfly, know that you need to stop blaming yourself for what happened. There's a reason for everything that happens, and understand that he believed your life was important and made the decision to save you. Please, look within yourself, and realize, he wouldn't want you to blame yourself and stop living because he isn't with you anymore.” He expressed to me.

Soon after he finished speaking, I held onto him tightly and cried. He say there and just comforted me while I did so. After finishing with my tears, I spoke up with a smile,

“What did I do to deserve you Zenny? You're too kind and patient and understanding towards me. I love you so much as well.”

“I love you too my butterfly.”

We then sat side by side in silence, watching the sun set, and cuddling in each other's embrace. The silence was cut short when I heard him speak out.

“Shall we go and give a small offering in his name, my butterfly?” Zenyatta asked. 

“Yeah. I'd like that.” I answered.

We then got up from where we were sitting and walked into the temple. We headed towards my room in which I grabbed a photo of him from a drawer, and set it up on my dresser. I them grabbed some candles and proceeded to light them. We then sat in silence, while I let some more tears fall. Soon after I heard a soft knock at my door, then a presence behind me and Zenyatta. I turned around to find Genji standing there. I could tell he had come to have a chat, but upon looking at the scene what decided against it, understanding what was going on. He quickly took a seat next to me, placed a hand on my shoulder, and said,

“I understand, this is hard for you (Y/N), but I'm glad you're here, and alive. The path to accepting myself for who I am would've been much more difficult without you, and I hope someday you accept and forgive yourself for what happened.” He expressed to me.

“Thank you Genji for the kind words. I am glad that I could help assist you as well, but we should truly thank our mentor, Zenyatta.” I said, looking over at him, every full of love and admiration.

“You two, I thank you. But in all truthfulness, you both are making these improvements on your own. I am simply here to support you along your paths.” He explained.

“But still master, every bit of encouragement helps along the way. Now, I have some late night sparring I was promised by someone, but it seems I will save it for another day.” Genji said as he began his leave out my room, but before he could make his exit, I bolted past him, smiling over my shoulder.

“You think I'm going to cancel on you?” You're crazy if you think that!” I yelled joyously as I continued to run.

“You're on (Y/N)!” He yelled after me.

We ran onto the grounds, and began our fight, Zenyatta leading behind us, watching, as his girlfriend and student battled, laughing, feeling content and happy.

I hope you enjoyed! I promise next week's will be more lighthearted than this was!

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