Mercy x Reader: Not On My Watch

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Requested by: Pandapandaspanda
I apologize this wasn't quite the fluff you wanted, still found it was quite cute tho.

And holy shit! Here I am again with a delayed update. This is actually one I am extremely proud of and happy with how it came out! Enjoy!

(Just wanna say, hopefully my next update won't be ages apart from this one, but one can hope I find motivation somehow)

"Jack, I need you to do something for me." I spoke into the com, notifying my team of my presence, which consisted of Jack, Ana, Reinhardt, Lucio, Pharah, and myself.

"(Y/N), what the hell is going on? What is it?" He stated with urgency.

"Tell Angela I love her and that I'm sorry." I said, tears blurring my vision.

"Why the hell do I need to tell her this? Aren't you more than capable of doing it yourself? Why is this even a concern at the moment? We're in the middle of a damn ambush, and-"

"Jack," I cut him off, "I was up in the building, protecting to the best of my abilities, when one of their snipers spotted me and shot me. I thought I was under enough cover to not to get caught, but clearly, I wasn't. I'm suffering from a fatal wound, and I can already feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness as it is. I need you to tell Angela this because I know I'm not coming home alive, even if I do come home. So please Jack, tell Angela I love her and I'm sorry I'm not able to make it to the wedding of our dreams." I state as strongly as I could, all while looking at the simple band around my ring finger.

"The hell you aren't making it home alive! Where the hell are you?! You're not dying on my watch soldier!" Jack screamed.

"Jack, please." I begged, tears preparing to fall down my cheeks.

"No! I'm not letting-", He was cut off once more.

"You have my word. I won't let Mercy go without knowing." Reinhardt said solemnly.

Upon hearing Reinhardt's promise to I finally relax, laying down as carefully as possible on the cold, hard ground before saying, "Thank you," and black out.

*Jack's PoV*

"Damn it! Pharah! Go out and find (Y/N)! Now! She's not dying on us! When you find her, bring her to Ana at the dropship. She'll do what she can until we can get back to base and have her properly taken care of. Reinhardt, Lucio, and myself will hold them off!" I command to everyone.

I refused to let her go ad I saw her as one of my own. She had grown up in overwatch since the age of 10 when she became an orphan during the omnic crisis. I had been the one to take her under my wing and raise her afterward. I was the one that she came to when she realized she was more into chicks than dudes, and was afraid to say anything to anyone else. I was the one she came to when she found out she had a major crush on the new doctor in the medical bay she had met after Genji had accidentally sliced her leg open when sparring . She looked up to me as a father figure and best friend, and I wasn't ready to lose her.


An hour had gone by and we had fended off the ambush attack. We were all in the dropship, headed home, now surrounding an unconscious (Y/N), concerned that she wouldn't make it home in time.

"Ana, she's alive, correct?" I asked her.

"She is, but barely. I've been giving her shots every 10 minutes to keep her stabilized, but her heart rate is extremely slow and she's lost a lot of blood. All we can do now is hope we can make it home in time for Mercy to get her in and perform the required surgery she needs in order to remove the bullet and fix her up." She explained.

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