Genji x Reader: Don't Hurt The Kids

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I APOLOGIZE!! It's been what? Three? Four weeks? I sincerely apologize, but please understand shit has gone down at school recently and my I've recently hit a severe case of writer's block. I hate to say that my updates will no longer be weekly, like I wanted to, but school just sucks and it's draining me to try and that no of something ATM. Do know, I have another story that is SLOWLY being written, and will hopefully come out in at least less than a month, but no promises. That was lots, sorry. Hope y'all enjoy!

(Y/N)'s PoV

“Three. Two. One. Ready or not, here I come!” I yelled out as I uncovered my eyes and stood up off the couch. At the current moment, I was on the search for my four year old son, Kai, and my three year old daughter, Sakura. As I stood up, I made a beeline for their bedroom where they always hid and their giggles always rang from under the beds, but upon entrance, I was met with silence. I quickly lunged downward and looked under their beds, but found nothing. From behind though, I saw movement of their closet doors, and the faint sound of giggling, and smirked to myself.

“Hmm, guess they're not here…” I trailed off, pretending to walk past the door, before turning around and pulling the door back. In an instant, they bursted with squeals and laughter, as they had been surprised.

“Come here and give me my hugs now!” I said, crouching down to their height with open arms and a smile. They then walked out of the closet and wrapped their arms around me to the best of their abilities. I took my arms and placed them around my kids before lifting upward.

“Alright. We eat dinner, wash up, and then we head to bed.” I stated.

“Will daddy be here to read us a bedtime story?” Sakura asked.

“Sorry sweetie, but Daddy's still gone saving the world from the evil. He will be back very soon though, I promise.” I said solemnly.

“You said that yesterday, mommy.” Kai piped in.

“I know. But trust me, he'll be back soon.” I said. Genji had been gone for a month now on a mission, and it was beginning to become taxing on the kids and myself. I understood that not all missions go well, as I was also a part of Overwatch at one point, but when a mission that was meant to last only two weeks turns into an entire month, you can only suspect the worst. Although it hurt to not have my husband home, it was affecting the kids more to have to be told their dad wasn't coming home yet, but acted like soldiers, and kept their heads held high.

“Let's go eat some dinner.” I said as I set them down and began prepping their food. I had made some mac n’ cheese along with chicken strips, which was why we played hide and seek while waiting for the food to cool a bit, which was now the perfect temperature. I then put their food in front of them and they began to eat their food while I worked on prepping myself a salad as well. Once done, I grabbed my food, and began to eat across from them. While in the midst of eating, Sakura asked,

“How did you and Daddy meet?”

“Well, sweetie, we had met through Overwatch. I had been with them since I was young, and actually trained under grandma Ana, along with an old friend named Amelie. Over time, as I trained to get better and better, I spent much of my free time practicing. During one of those practices, I had heard movement from behind me, so in an instant I turned around and shot.” I said, adding hand movements and dramatics to make the story more interesting for them.

“Then what happened mommy?!” Kai asked enthusiastically.

“Well, I hit hit my target… But not quite like I had intended to. Once I had pulled my trigger, I heard my bullet bounce off of metal and the bullet had actually bounced back and got stuck in my shoulder.” I expressed.

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