Reaper x Reader (Part 1) :Cupid Screwed Up

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(One year after the explosion)

It was two in the morning when I heard Sofia, my one year old daughter, crying next to me. Quickly, I turned to face her, when I see a person dressed in a black and a mask on, holding my child. I was in pure shock as I watched the man in question hushing my child, yet seeming to stare straight at me.

"W-who are you?!" I asked, a little scared myself. He didn't respond to me until Sofia was finally quiet and asleep. He laid her back down onto the bed before strolling to my side of the bed.

"I said who are you!? Answer me dammit!" I was panicking since I didn't know what this person's intentions were. Afterwards, they slammed my head against the wall, starting to choke me. I sat there gasping for air and trying to remove their hands from around my throat, but I wasn't strong enough. Just when I thought I was going to die, they released their grip on me, gasping for air, while they finally responded,

"I thought you would be better than this, but your just pathetic." He said, with his arms crossed, staring at me. I just sat there on my bed and stared back, waiting for him to go on, when Sofia began to cry again. I turned my body and grabbed Sofia before the man in front of me could. I held her close to my body and continued to stare at him.

"Please, just tell me who you are." I said, pleading.

"It's only been a year, and you can't even recognize your own lover? What a nice greeting, mi amor." He said. Although he was wearing a mask, I could hear the smug grin under it.

"No... no. The one I loved died in the explosion at the Switzerland base while I was giving birth back here in America. ...You can't be him..." I said, trying my best to hold back tears, but failing miserably, "If it really is you Gabe, I want to see with my own eyes, remove the mask." I said in the calmest voice I could muster. He sighed, and slowly reached up and pulled it up. Under the mask, was the ghastly look of what used to be my lover. After taking in the image for a little while, he then pulled down the mask, and I let the dam break. I could feel Sofia start to wriggle within my grasp, and saw eyes staring back at me. I slowly quieted down, and started humming to her until she was asleep again, laying her down slowly.

"Clearly, you are a good mother, but I came here for one reason and one reason only. I came to take what was mine, and that is you, mi amor, and my child, and return back to Talon." He said, walking towards me, but as he did I quickly grabbed a hold of his outstretched arm by the wrist.

"I'm sorry Gabe, or whatever you are, but I'm not going anywhere with you, especially Talon. This is my life now, and I refuse to give it up. Now get out, and leave me and Sofia alone." I said sternly.

"Don't be like this mi amor, I still lo-"

"No, I don't feel the same way now. If you think I'm going to betray my family within Overwatch, then you have the wrong idea. I will fight you on the battlefield if it means I stay where I belong. If this is how you wanted to lived, then Cupid screwed up with us. Now get out of here before I beat your ass. You may have almost choked me out, but we both know I could still overpower you."
I said now right up in his face.

"Fine, but do know I will come back, mi amor, and I will win." He said fading away into a black mist.

After a minute I sat there on my bed thinking back to all of mine and Gabe's fondest memories, when I broke down again. I looked over at Sofia once more to see her beautiful brown eyes, just like her dad's. I picked her up and hugged her. Slowly laying down with her in my arms I hugged her tightly.

"I love you Sofia."

"Wuv you too, mommy."

"I'll never let you get in harm's way, and that's a promise sweetie."

Hope y'all enjoyed~~

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