Mr Popular is SHY

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Jake's P.O.V

Monday Morning

"Jake". I turn around to trace where I heard my name from. I see no one. I actually see people crowded on the hallway obviously rushing to their various classes but I don't recognise anyone I know that would call my name. I'm not trying to be mean or anything but I know the people I talk to. I know the people that know my name and judging from the crowd of people on the hallway, I don't think I'm familiar with any of them. I'm approaching my locker to take out my books I'll be needing for today's class. I'm having History first thing this morning. I love History.  Strange? I know. I've gotten that comment alot of times. I've never gotten less than a B. It's either an A or a B. But it's mostly A tho.

I don't know how I got to love it. It just happened and I'm happy it did because it takes my mind away from alot of things. Things I don't want to remember. I know what you're thinking. Must everyone have an ugly past? I honestly have no answer to that question. Things happen and when they happen, you can't change them. To me, your past defines you. Your past makes you stronger. Your past makes you avoid certain mistakes. Your past orders the right footstep for you. But I don't know if my past has done anything to me. I feel the same. I just go in the direction life takes me. But that doesn't mean I make silly decisions. Even if my past didn't affect me so much, it taught me to be wise.

"Jake". I hear my name again. I thought the person had given up. Sighing, I turn around to see my friend Brady grinning like a girl. He doesn't look cute tho. He looks like he just escaped a car crash. One thing I forgot to mention is that I don't keep close friends because of what happened to me in the past. One thing that friends have taught me is that not everyone is your friend. Not everyone can be your friend. No matter how much you smile with them, there would always be someone that doesn't like your vibe. And the funny thing is that if they're been asked why, their reason won't be tangible enough. So you just have to limit the number of people you smile with so that they won't trample on your niceness. Brady thinks we are close buddies but we are not.  I'll just leave it like that. I won't go telling him to stay away from me. It makes no sense. Well, that's if he doesn't do anything stupid because if he does..................

"Hey bro! What's up?" He greeted me when he was close enough. Then we did some funny brotherly handshake which I cant believe I agreed to do. Over the years, people thought we were brothers but they don't just know it yet. Does water and electricity work together? No. That's exactly how j and Brady are. Everyone knows me as the calm popular guy which I'm happy they didn't get that part about me, wrong. But when it comes to Brady, he is known as the lousy popular guy which I would agree with. He really is happy. He hasn't stopped smiling since across the hallway. I wonder what would had happened during the weekend to warrant this smile.

When he was close enough, I responded, "I'm good bro. What about you?"
I noticed that we were amongst the last people still hanging around on the hallway. I guess the warning bell had been rung and I'm still here with Brady who doesn't take his studies seriously.  He doesn't care if he gets an F in an important subject. I guess that's typical high school life for you. You'll always meet the good, the bad and the ugly. You've already met the good which you already know is me. Don't even act surprised. You know I'm a good guy. I get good grades in school. I'm polite. I'm homely. I'm handsome. C'mon! Who says NO to a 6feet tall kind of guy? Definitely not you. Just wait till you meet the bad and then the ugly. 

Brady: Same bro. I've been shouting  your name down the hallway.  You obviously seemed to be in your own world. As usual. Sometimes I begin to wonder how we became friends because in a normal day, I wouldn't be friends with you. And besides, why are you smiling like that? You look like a cute little girl right now. I wonder what that mystery girl did to you over the weekend. You know you can tell me.

What in God's name is the dude talking about? What girl? Urgh! Am I not allowed to smile again? Is there a rule against it or something? Someone needs to answer me. I'm loosing my mind. Anyone? C'mon! No one wants to help a dude in distress. Not fair.

Me: No problem. I'm fine. And there's no girl. Stop making up stories inside that empty head of yours. And I didn't know you were calling. Let's talk about you. Why do you look so happy today?What's up? Any new girl? Jesus! Did I just ask that? There's always a new girl. So what's her name? Is it Brittney? Or wait.....I know..... It's Sandy, right?

Brady: Stop being a dick. And her name is Lina and she happens to be in my Chemistry class. I didn't actually know her tho. But you know how girls can be,at first she was proving hard to get but you know me. When I see something I like, I go for it without wasting a second. So I asked her out. We talked. To be honest with you Jay, I wasn't interested in what she was saying. I just had to pay attention cause I was always after one thing. She was always talking about Science. Who does that on a date? I just had to listen. Then.....

Me: Brady?

To be honest, I wasn't interested in all these information. I already know what he wants to say. So why waste time in hitting the nail on the head? I looked at my wristwatch and mentally yelled which I realized that class are going to start in the next 10minutes and Jake isn't in class. Oh Lord.

Brady: Yeah?

He answered angrily because I just cut his long story short. I need to get to class, dude. Man's got grades to take care of.

Me: So what did you guys do during the weekend? Summarise your story. We need to get to class, you know. Look around you, we're the only ones left on the hallway. So just go straight to the point.

You see what I did there? I ain't got time to waste. I hit the nail on the head. So tell me why you don't love me?

Brady:  You're such a killjoy. What happened to my friend? Well to answer your annoying question, what else would had happened? She was in my bed the next minute. It was so good. I'm the king of girls. You need to come take lessons from me. I don't want you embarrassing yourself and embarrassing me too. She was still a virgin. Can you beat that? I was her first of everything. It was so nice. But one thing I didn't like was that she wasn't giving me the action I needed but who cares? I didn't say anything to her. She is old news now tho. So what about you? How was your weekend?

Typical Brandy. So ladies and gentlemen, there you have it. The Ugly. Brady! Brady!! Brady!!! He never listens. He's a dawg. Oh No! Where did that come from?



Oh boy.

Me: Bro! Be careful tho with all these girls you sleep with every weekend. I don't want you catching some disease and come spreading them to me because it won't be funny. And to answer your question,my weekend was just like any normal one.I went for a family reunion and I met a girl there. Her name is Iris. This girl is fiiiiiiiine. The bad news there is that she goes to another school far from here. But we plan on meeting this weekend. You know, to finish off where we started.

Believe me when I say that's not going to happen. It's called Going with the flow. I met a girl tho. I didn't lie about that. But the last thing I said is a big lie. We're just going to finish our conversation. That's all. Innocent me, right?

Brady: See who is warning me about girls. Nice one tho. You also have to be careful. Anyways, we need to get to class. I don't want some old lady shouting at me.  See you during lunch.

Strange. He never bothers about going to class. What in God's name happened to him? This is not the Brady I know. I took one last look at him before I finally said,

Me: Ok.

We head to our different classes. Art class is by the left and Science is by the right. So we say our goodbyes and go to class. Time to learn.

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