Chapter 5

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Friday evening

Its 8pm and Ashley hasn't come. I thank God for that. I pray she doesn't come. I don't want her to come. Her presence is going to disturb me both physically and mentally. She is the last person I want to see now. I don't even want to see anyone now. And if she eventually comes,my mum is going to go crazy. She  would think she is my girlfriend because she is the first person that would be coming to my house after my former school incidence. What? Haven't you heard of the saying: once bitten, twice shy. I'm trying my best to avoid any misfortune.

Well right now, I'm looking for a movie to watch. There's no other thing I do at home. Well, apart from cleaning the dishes and other menial house chores. I've watched almost all the movies I have at home. Ranging from action to adventure to comedy to anime to romance. Anything you can think of, I'm pretty sure I've watched it. I prefer re-watching them than go to a party and do nothing but mope around. I don't drink. I can't dance. I can't talk to a a girl. So what in God's name would I do when I get to a party? Back to the movie aspect, I still can't find any movie to watch after scattering the movie collection that was positioned in the living room just beside where the tv is located.

Yea you could say that I'm a movie freak.

I watch movies when I want to clear my head from the things that happen at home and in school. I also love to clear my head of all the negative things that crept in there. I don't have money and time to watch movies in the cinemas or should I say I'm actually lazy. Okay! Maybe I told a little lie. I actually have some money that I saved doing sime little chores for some of the aged people living around. Its funny how they always want to pay me everytime I come around. So after much selection, I pick Supergirl to watch. I'm a fan of Supergirl. Don't be surprised.

So I successfully finished watching two seasons of Supergirl and it feels like I just watched an episode. I could stay here all day watching different genres of movies and i wouldn't feel a thing. Right now it's 11pm. The night is still young, I must say. Well, thank God Ashley didn't show up. I wonder what we would have talked about. Me? There is nothing about me that could interest anyone. I'm a boring guy with good looks. Is God not wonderful? Maybe she is enjoying herself at the party. Anyways who wouldn't. I know. Me. But apart from me, everyone that attends any party is sure to enjoy himself or herself and definitely get wasted. And besides, Blake is everybody's sweetheart. Even to the guys. His parties are always the talk of the school. People hardly listen to anything that is being taught in class knowing that Blake's party is around the corner. As you already know, parties are not my thing.
Well I think I need to go to bed. Mother nature is calling.😴😴😴


I decided to take a walk. I've been indoors since morning doing nothing but Saturday house chores. I finshed like an hour ago and decided to rest little before stepping out. And while I was resting, I decided to reply some messages on my Instagram account. I'm saying this again, don't be surprised. I decided to take a walk towards Mc Denise restaurant. It's the most popular restaurant in the area and most expensive. I'm just sightseeing though. It's not like I want to buy anything. I don't have much money to buy the kind of food they sell there. I love the view of the place. It has this mixture of Valentine and Christmas setting so I decided to take a picture of it on my phone. As I was about to bring out my phone, someone bumped into me. Like really hard. I looked up to see a girl with a nice smile, lovely dimples and silky hair.

Oh shit. Am i already falling in love with a girl I barely know? Jake, wake up!

Her:Hi. I'm sorry for bumping into you. I was trying to check for something in my purse.

Even her voice is something else. Oh, boy. She must be expecting a reply from me. Oh no. What would i say? I can't even look at her. She would think I'm a weakling and run away.

Me:Um hi. No problem it's fine.

Her:I'm Jasmine, by the way. I'm new here. I moved here yesterday.

That's too much information if you ask me. What if I'm a serial killer or some guy with more than 2 identities? Girls.

Me:I'm Jake. Nice to meet you.

Jasmine:I just got enrolled in a new school. I'll be resuming tomorrow.

Again. Too much information.

Me:Ok no problem. I guess you live around so I'll be seeing more of you.

Stupid me. Now, she'll think I'm going to stalk her. Too bad. When she realises I'm just a shy guy, she'll fly away like the others.

Jasmine:Yes you will. But you barely saw my face. You didn't look at me. You were playing with your fingers all through our discussion. Are you shy?

Damn! Not again.

Me:No I'm not. It's nothing. That's the way I am.

That's the way you are? Really Jake?

Jasmine:Ok if you say so.

I can't believe a girl just noticed everything about me in a minute. I really need to get out of this shy attitude. I don't want girls to run away from me. God please help me. Or maybe it's going to be in my favour. I hope so.

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