chapter 23

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Cough! Cough!! Cough!!!

That was Nicole coughing. Why now? Why would this cough come now or maybe this is a setup as usual. I really need to leave this place before she would make me do something that I would regret later. Her voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Jake I'm having a serious headache. Can you please call my brother,I'm not feeling well at all."

With that,she went to the toilet to puke( I guess),this is really looking serious but I have to go. What do I do? I don't wanna look like a demon or something. She is really tempting me to do things that I do not wanna do. Well i have already made up my mind that is why I said this "Nicole,I'll call your neighbour or someone close by to come and take you to the nearest clinic. Sorry I can't stay. Get well soon. See you later."

Whew!!! That was a close one. As I was walking home,my mind kept wandering off to the fact that I think Nicole is faking all these. It's so obvious. First she gets my number from who I don't know then she calls me first out of all her friends then......... "Jake honey,where were you? You got me worried."

I didn't even know when I got home. "Mom I was at Nicole's house,she wasn't feeling too well so I had to stay with for a little while till she got a little bit okay." I don't know if that was a lie because im still doubting her sickness.


My walk to school seemed kinda short to me. When I got to school,the first person I saw was Nicole (are you kidding me?), I thought she was sick. I knew it! I knew it!! I knew it!!! She thought she could fool me. And then the next person I saw was Jasmine. We haven't really talked in a while. She came up to me looking kinda sad and hurt.

"How could you Jake,after I told you how I feel about you"

To be honest, to say that I was confused was an understatement. We haven't talked in a while and the first thing that comes out if her mouth is that.

"First of all,I do not understand what you're talking about and secondly, hi. I guess you forgot to say that."

"I do not care about your greetings. You went to that new girl's house to sleep with her and you even had the boldness to say you love and that you never stopped loving her. You do not need to deny. It's on the school's website,the voice note that you guys recorded. I really can't understand you anymore and its not even up to 2weeks that she came here."

What!!! Where are all these coming from? Who could this new girl be? Oh no. Nicole. What has she done this time?


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