Chapter 1

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An introduction to you
Name : Y/N
Age: 18
Moved to: Sydney Australia
{ Your Pov }
      I was at airport with my
mom, Stepdad, and 3 brothers."Mom." I said and she looked at me,"why do we have to move I like it here in NYC and in the USA. Why do we have to move to Sydney Australia?"
     "We are moving because your stepfather's company is located in Australia that's why we're moving." I went to my seat next to my twin brother and groaned. 
    "Oh no what happened Y/N?" Leo my twin asked.
    "It makes no sense we move into the house close to the outside of Sydney while Mom and Calvin move into his apartment in the center of Sydney for his work. We won't be living as a family it'll just be you, me, Maddy, and Richard." You state. Maddy is short for Matthew he is older than me by five years, Richard is older than me by three years, And Leo is younger than me by an hour.
    " Think Y/N it's been this way since they got married."Maddy chimed in," just the four of us." He was was right.
    "The flight for Sydney Australia will be leaving soon please start boarding."The lady over the P.A announced.
    " Come on guys that's us."Mom said I looked back at the city I grew up in one last time then boarded the plain.

{Time skip}
  I got off the plain and looked around it was night time I went to luggage claim got my suitcase and backpack."Alright everyone we will be going to the house tonight. Mom said,"all the beds and all your stuff is there Y/N your motorcycle is there too. Calvin and I will sleep in a sleeping bag in the living room." My brothers and I nodded. We got in a cab and headed to the house. In the cab it was quite and I fell asleep on Leo's shoulder. When I got out of the cab I heard laughing coming from next door when I looked there was eight boys. I shrugged it off and went inside. "Ok guys your names are on your rooms." Mom had told us.I walked to my room door and opened it there were boxes with my name in it there was bathroom obviously I got the master bedroom. I looked out the window that looked right into the neighbor's yard. There are nine boys having fun but it was too dark to see faces. I went to sleep.
{Time skip}
   "WAKE UP!" Richard yells at me."We have to bring in the furniture in."
   "Ok." I said back he left the room and I got ready.

I went outside to go and get the furniture in. As soon as I stepped outside and I heard screaming from the neighbors yard. I ignored it. When I finished bringing the furniture inside I started to unpack.
{Time skip}
  I finally finished unpacking around noon and woke up at nine.
I was hungry so I decided to go get lunch when I went outside I saw Mom and Calvin getting in there car."Y/N come here for a second."Mom said I went to her," Will you be ok with it being just you, Maddy, Richard, and Leo?" She asked
  "Yeah Mom We'll be fine."
  "Bye I love you."
  " Love you too."she got into the car then they left. Just as I was about to get on my my bike one of the guys from next door called me over to the gate that separated our yards.
  "Hey I'm Felix are you the new neighbor?" He asked in a deep voice. His accent was really heavy and the freckles under his eyes were so cute. His hair was dyed red as he had a really bright smile that made my
heart melt.
  "Yeah I'm Y/N." He looked at you for a second then he finally opened his mouth.
  "Your accent is Canadian?" He asked. I just could tell that he wasn't trying to be rude so I answered.
   "No it's American." His eyes widened at that it made me chuckle a little bit. 
   "Where in the states are you from?" He asked
   "I'm from New York. " I answered quickly.
   "Did you live in the city?" He asked I found it cute how curious he was.
   " Yeah I'm from the city born and raised."He chuckled at that.
   "Do you have any siblings? I'm not trying to pry so if you answer the question I will tell you a little about me. "
   "Yes I do have siblings I have three brothers."
   "Oh well my name is Felix Lee, I was born and raised in Sydney I have two sisters and I'm eighteen years old." He said with a smile.
   " Hi Felix Lee I'm Y/N Y/L/N and I'm also eighteen years old."
   "Well Y/N Y/L/N I have some friends over do you want to join us?

{to be continued...}

{Author note}
Sorry if this is bad and please don't mind the grammar errors I stink at English. Also this is my first fanfic so I hope you enjoy it.

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