The Morning After- Kakashi

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"Good morning, my love."

Kakashi opened his eyes sleepily at the sound of Mizuka's voice. She was leaning in over him; she looked like an angel with the morning sun crowning her head. Kakashi reached a stiff, sore hand up to caress her face.


She placed her forehead against his before kissing his nose sweetly. Kakashi went to roll over and put a hand around his lover's waist, but let out a surprised, painful groan as he moved. SHe cooed tenderly in his ear.

"Relax. You used muscles last night that you haven't used since before your incident. You're probably very sore."

Kakashi didn't care, he moved through the pain to reach Mizuka and pull her close, nuzzling his face in her chest. He had been secretly afraid that he and Mizuka would have trouble getting reacquainted, or that she wouldn't live up to the hype that he had built in his head, or vice versa. But last night was a passionate explosion that he had never experienced before. He didn't know that a connection like that was possible with another person. Or at all. It was as if she were in his head, knowing exactly what he needed. Or maybe it just seemed that way because it was Mizuka. It was as if their chemistry had matured over time, leaving something even more beautiful than what they shared years ago.

"How are you feeling this morning, my love?"

He laughed.

"Sore and tired, but happier than I've ever been. Last night was incredible. I hope it was for you as well."

She kissed him passionately.

"I couldn't have asked for a more perfect evening with you."

She was on her hands and knees, hovering over him at this point. He was already rock hard and throbbing, as if his body was begging for another session like last night. His member was being brushed by her soft, bare tummy, making her eyes roll up in his head from the sensation. Mizuka noticed, and teased him playfully.

"Oh, Kakashi. Are you ready to go again? I'm surprised you have anything left this morning, the way you soaked my thighs with cum last night."

That was actually a good question. Would he be able to perform again this morning? He hadn't fucked someone twice in this short of time since before the torture on his genitals. And, even though he saved face, it was still incredibly embarrassing to blow his load on her legs and stomach. Mizuka could obviously tell by his face what was on his mind.

"Oh, baby. Don't be embarrassed. I was flattered when you came early. I was actually flattered when you made love to me at all. Your body is in such rough condition that it had to be uncomfortable. I shouldn't have pushed myself on you. I just wanted you so badly and-"

Kakashi put his fingers on her lips gently, shushing her.

"The only thing that has been more uncomfortable than my aching body has been my aching groin because I've been so backed up with semen. Not having you for the past couple of weeks has been torture, especially since you've been constantly on my mind for the past ten years. Any pain is completely worth hearing you scream my name and tasting your sweet juices when you came in my mouth. It's something I've dreamt about."

Mizuka's face was flushed and she bit her lower lip, as if the mere thought of last night was going to make her cum all over again.

"Oh, Kakashi..."

She leaned down and kissed him slowly and tenderly, making his erection throb harder against her stomach. She moved down his neck and kept kissing down hios chest and-


Kakashi couldn't win. He didn't even realize how hungry he was until his stomach grumbled loudly in her ear. She laughed.

"We have plenty of time to make love, but your body need nutrition to heal properly."

Kakashi could feel his face burning, but he complied, getting up and putting on his kimono and heavy winter cloak. He had the sneaking suspicion that they could've made it back to Mizuka's last night, but she wanted to set the mood for their evening. Maybe she wanted this as badly as he did, and he had just lived in her fantasy for the evening. And he loved it. And her. They headed out the front door of the hot springs, bidding Akihiko farewell before stepping out, hand in hand, into the newly fallen snow.

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