Kiss - Mizuka

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"Kakashi? Please open up. I haven't seen you in a few days. I'm really worried about you."

The door opened slowly into the dark apartment. Mizuka stepped in to find the place had been destroyed. Kakashi was standing in the shadow of the door. She slammed the door shut and embraced her friend tightly. He didn't move.

"What are you doing here? Haven't you heard that I'm a friend killer?"

"That's nonsense. Utter bullshit. I know you loved Rin. And Obito."

"That's what the villagers are saying."

Mizuka flipped the lights on, making Kakashi squint.

"Go take a shower. I'm making dinner."

Kakashi walked off in a zombie-like trance toward the bathroom. She pinned her hair up and began boiling water and straightening the apartment. She changed his sheets and made his bed before steaming rice and eggs for them. She finally heard Kakashi re-emerge from the shower and flop down onto the bed. He had his boxers at least, so that was good.

"I'm not hungry."

"Kakashi, you need to eat. You look like you haven't eaten in days."

She turned his heavy body over so she could see his tear-streaked face.

'Please, for me."

She held the bowl and spooned the contents into slowly into his mouth, bite by bite. He didn't finish it, but at least he ate something. She sat on his bed as he rolled his head onto her lap, crying.

"Get it out, Kakashi. You've known me for years.  Shinobi do cry here."

He let out an agonizing primal scream into her lap.

"FUUUUCK! Why me? Why is it always me?"

He sobbed as she rubbed his back and head.

"I'm so sorry, Kakashi."

He cried until Mizuka could no longer see the moon in the window pane it had risen so high. He finally fell silent. He wasn't asleep; he had simply ran out of tears. She rolled him back over and rolled the covers onto him. He was completely catatonic. She went to the kitchen, filling a glass with water.

"Hey, you need to finish this."

She helped him to sit up as he thirstily downed the glass. She set it on the bedside table before curling up next to him, resting his head on her shoulder. She kissed his forehead tenderly as Kakashi spoke hoarsely.

"Thank you."

"You're my best friend. I love you Kakashi."

She felt him wrap his arms around her waist and bury his face into her sweater. He fell asleep quickly. Mizuka stayed up thinking about her friend. About an hour later, just as she was getting sleepy herself, , Kakashi jolted awake, screaming and holding his right arm.

"RIN! NO!"

He jumped out of the bed, but before he could even get his feet on the ground, Mizuka pulled him back down next to her.

"Kakashi. Kakashi. You're having a nightmare. You're safe with me. You're safe."

His panic turned into tears. Mizuka laid opposite him, placing her forehead against his, almost as if to leech some of the sadness from him.

"It's okay."

She felt their noses touch, then their lips. Mizuka could immediately feel her heart flutter and pull toward his. Neither one of them pulled away. His lips were surprisingly soft, pressing against hers and gently sucking. It gave her chills and made in between her legs tingle and swell, as if begging for more. She could feel between his legs harden as well. They pulled apart from their long, unintentional kiss. She could feel her face burning and saw that Kakashi was a bright shade of red as well. Mizuka rested her forehead against his again.

"See, I told you everything is okay."

They were both quiet for the rest of the night. Mizuka guessed that, if nothing else, Kakashi had something else to think about.

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