Nighttime Birth - Ino

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"Ino, wake up. We need you."

Ino sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"Everything okay?"

"Nighttime birth. Let's go!"

Ino quickly got up and got dressed, heading down the stairs to find both of her senseis waiting for her.

"You're coming as well, Kakashi Sensei?"

"For this one, yes."

Mizuka zipped her medical bag closed.

"C'mon, I'll explain on the way."

They stepped out the door and headed down the street, which were quiet except for the town bar and the bustle of the hospital. They passed the main street and headed down toward another cluster of residential cottages.

"The mother to be's name is Hana. She's at 40+3 and her water has already broken. She lives with her mother, Kishiri, and Aunt Nadesco. She lost her husband a couple of months ago: a shinobi from Konohagakure. KIA. Kakashi is joining us tonight because he has experience as a birthing coach and she asked him to be here if he was in town. She's in luck."

They reached the front door. Mizuka stopped and turned to Ino.

"These are emotionally draining, Ino. The screaming and tears don't stop after the delivery. You will end up crying by the end of it. There's nothing more upsetting than the realization from the new mother that the father will never see the baby. Just a heads up."

Mizuka knocked and a tall woman answered the door.

"Mizuka, Kakashi. Please come in. Thank you for getting here quickly."

"Of course, Kishiri. This is my new apprentice, Ino. She will be assisting me this evening."

Ino bowed.

"It's very nice to meet you."

"You too, dear. I'm Kishiri, my daughter, Hana, is the expectant mother. She's in the bedroom."

"Kakashi, why don't you head back and be with Hana. I'll have Ino help me set up."

The cottage was very eastern traditional, with tatami mat floors and sliding doors. Ino watched as Kakashi headed to the back room and spoke to the Aunt and laboring girl. She was obviously in pain, red in the face and sweating. Kakashi sat behind her and cradled her between his legs. She leaned back and rested her head on his shoulder, continuing her breathing pattern. She could hear Kakashi talking soothingly to the young woman.

"You're doing so well. This part will be over soon and you'll be holding your new baby."

Ino helped set out and sterilize everything for the birth as Mizuka spoke.

"Medical scissors to cut the umbilical cord and perineum if need be, hypodermic thread for stitches if need be, forceps in case baby needs a little help, clamps for the umbilical cord, witch hazel to soothe the vaginal area post birth, and towels. I think we're set. Now, all we need is baby."

She held up three fingers closed together.

"10 cm."

She spoke calmly to Hana as she checked her cervix.

"Yep, its time. Are you feeling the urge to push?"


"Okay, bear down on the next contraction until Kakashi counts to 10."

Mizuka waved Ino closer to watch. She could see the top of a head crowning. As Hana stopped pushing, the head sunk in a little. Ino couldn't tell if it was beautiful or kind of gross. Kakashi was his usual calm self, encouraging her and cradling her head in his lap as she pushed. After several more pushes, she let out a scream as the baby emerged. Mizuka caught him in the towel she was holding, quickly wiping him off and handing him to his mom.

"It's a boy!"

She handed the newborn to Hana, who was sobbing, umbilical cord and all. As Kakashi comforted the girl, MIzuka gave a tug on the cord, pulling the bloody placenta out and placing it in the basin next to mom and baby.


Ino handed the plastic clamps to her sensei, who fastened them on certain parts of the cord.


Ino passed her the scissors. She motioned to Kishiri.

"C'mon, Grandma. You do the honors."

Kishiri took the scissors and cut between the clamps. Mizuka put an arm around the tearful new grandmother.

"He's perfect. Congratulations."

Ino chimed in.

"He's so beautiful!"

"Good job, Hana."

Kakashi kissed the new mother on the forehead as he continued to support her head in his lap. She was still sobbing uncontrollably.

"H-h-he l-looks just like S-Shinji!"

Ino could see the flash of distress in her sensei's eyes, even though it was only there for a second. Hana seemed to be filling up the towel quickly with blood. She was hemmoraging and with sobbing and crying was making it almost impossible for Mizuka to control it. Her face was red and her blood pressure was probably sky high, amking the bleeding worse. Kakashi noticed it as well, as he was trying to shush her gently, but to no avail. Without thinking, Ino calmly laid down next to Hana. Kakashi caught on almost immediately and put her head down next to Ino's. The presence of an unfamiliar face that close to herr made her turn her attention toward the new stranger.

'What are you going to name him?"

Mizuka worked quickly as Ino kept the girl occupied.

"Genji. His father and I picked it out before I even knew I was pregnant. It's from his favorite book."

Hana couldn't have been more than 18. She had jet black hair and bright black eyes; she looked like a porcelain doll.

"Did you have a name picked out for a girl?"

"Kinda. I liked the name Shoshi, but I think he was just praying for a boy."

"Well, he is beautiful. That little cry is everything."

Ino felt her sensei pat her ankle and stand up, covered in blood and holding the bloody towels.

"Alright, congrats, mama! Let's get you two settled into bed and comfy before we go."

Mizuka Sensei winked at Ino as she began to clean up.

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