The Red String of Marriage - Kakashi

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Kakashi and Mizuka left their reception in a cloud of congratulations and well wishes. They walked away from the restaurant slowly at first, and then, as the darkness enveloped them, they took off as fast as Kakashi could hobble on his crutch, laughing all the way to the Tenchi Hot Springs. They passed the empty front counter (as Akihiko was still drunk at the party) and took off to their wedding suite. They reached the door and Kakashi pulled the key out of his pocket.

"Hold on, we have to start things right."

He unlocked the door and opened it before picking his bride up and carrying her over the threshold. They kissed gently before Mizuka tickled Kakashi and he unceremoniously dumped her on the bed.

"Alright, Lady Hatake. We're married. How does it feel?"

"It's perfect."

She kept examining the wedding band on her finger, and Kakashi could relate. He flopped down next to her, examining his wedding band as well.

"It's amazing that just eight weeks ago, I wasn't sure if I would ever see you again. And now, here we are. Married. About to start our next chapter together."

Mizuka laughed and turned to him, caressing his cheek lovingly.

"I don't know, it doesn't sound that crazy to me. Do you remember the story of the red string of marriage?"

Kakashi hadn't heard, or even thought about that, in a long time. It was am ancient myth that the Kami bound the fates of two destined lovers before they even reach Earth with a red string tied to each of their little fingers. The string may tangle, or stretch, but it will never be broken. Obstacles, space, or even time itself would not keep the lovers from their destiny.

"Have you always felt that pull toward me, Mizuka?"

"Yes, as much as I wanted to break the string connecting us. I wanted to hate you or forget you so I could move on with my life, but I couldn't. I still loved you. I've always loved you, Kakashi."

Kakashi moved toward her until their noses touched.

"I lost my teammates. My best friends. I lost them , then I lost you. I had lost everything. I tried to kill myself. I attempted Seppuku because I had failed as a shinobi and as a man. The knife was only a pull to the right away from finishing the job before Kurenai found my and pulled it out of my abdomen. I spent a week in the hospital, and was sent to the Anbu by Minato Sensei when I was released. I hated Kurenai for doing that. For saving me. She made me promise in the hospital that I wouldn't leave them. Not by my own hand. I agreed only because I wanted to be left alone. But, only recently, I realized it's because I'm meant to still be here. I shouldn't be alive right now, Mizuka. But I am. I don't know if it's the red string of marriage, or what it is. But I'm meant to be here. With you."

Mizuka was crying.

"I-I had no idea that happened. You tried to die honorably by your own hand? For being a failure? You were just a child, Kakashi."

She reached to pull up his wedding kimono to see for herself. As if to debunk his painful past, but there it was, near his left pelvic bone. The scar of his failed seppuku. Mizuka cried harder as she ran her fingers over the indented, off colored spot on his body.

"I'm meant to be here, Mizuka. With you. And every day when I'd look in the mirror, it was my reminder that I had to keep going. I just didn't know that it would lead me to this moment. Of being your husband. Even though I had always secretly wished it would. And, who knows what else the future holds for me."

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, burying her face into his scarred chest. He took her left hand from behind him and brought it gently forward, holding it tenderly. He linked his left pinkie finger with hers as he held her close. After a few minutes, her breathing had slowed, and Kakashi had realized that she had fallen asleep. He laid there, holding his beautiful bride, still wearing her white wedding kimono for what felt like forever and no time at all. Soon, he felt his own eyelids getting heavy.  

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