Apprenticeship - Ino

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"Ladies, you're here because you both show promise as healers, and it's time you each become an apprentice to an elite healer."

Ino stood nervously next to Sakura, looking at Lady Hokage as well as the High Elders sitting to their left. She wasn't a very good healer: her chakra control was still lacking and she flustered easily. Sakura, on the other hand, showed a lot of promise. Ino wasn't even sure how she got mixed up with healing, especially when she could go into Intelligence with her father. But, she couldn't stand to see the suffering of others. Especially since she knew so much about botany. What she lacked in chakra control, she made up in with her knowledge of medicinal plants, which could be equally as powerful.

"Now, there are two apprenticeships available: one here in Konoha and another one in Tenchi. In seven days, we will have an exam to see what your current skill level is and to find your best placement. You're out of mission rotation until then. Prepare and be ready to save lives. Dismissed."

Both girls bowed and left the Hokage's office. As they walked down the street, Ino could practically feel Sakura's excitement. Both placements had their perks. If she stayed, she could stay close to her teammates and family, but if she left, she could see if her knowledge of herbs would serve her well in the Land of Herbs, where the healing mecca of Tenchi was located. Lady Tsunade sounded like both spots were equally prestigious, but Ino knew as well as Sakura that the apprenticeship in Tenchi was the superior one: that's where elite and master healers came from. They could be born anywhere, but they all converged in the Land of Herbs to be taught by the Tenchi healers and to develop cutting edge techniques.

"See you in a week, Ino-Pig. I'll be an even better healer then."

"You wish. Bye bye, Billboard Brow."

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