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WARNING: mildly suggestive themes


"Do you like him?"


Getting back into the swing of things was easy. It was like you had never left Hogwarts. It was a second home to you. First now because of the whole Voldemort fiasco with your mother. Your mother had managed to get a photo of Voldemort from when he was in school. He used to be quite handsome and now...well...he wasn't. You had studied the photo for hours, always trying to find features that matched his. But it was curious, you see, none of your features were similar to his. You looked quite like your mother, but not exactly. There was something missing. Something she hadn't told you.

"Ugh, plus that age difference..." you muttered to yourself as you walked to Defence Against the Dark Arts.

"What's that, Riddle?" a familiar drawling voice whispered into your ear. You groaned. "Talking about me again?"

You looked up into his grey eyes, hoping that you'd be able to see the love he held for you on the holidays. But all that was there was the familiarity of mischievousness that you'd seen him have when he was taunting Harry and his friends.

"Sit with me, Riddle?" Draco linked his arm with yours and began dragging you to an empty table at the back of the room. You spotted Hermione and saw she had a free spot next to her.

"No, thanks, Malfoy," you said unlinking your arms, "I'm going to sit with Hermione. Good day, Malfoy."

You slipped into the seat behind Hermione, giving her a smile. Harry and Ron turned around to you both. You flashed both of them a smile, your eyes slightly lingering on Harry. He had changed a lot over the holidays. He looked quite nice.

"[Name]?" Hermione asked. You felt the heat rise to your cheeks as you snapped out of your staring.


"We were just asking what you think of Umbridge?"

"I don't trust her. The Ministry's sent her here, probably to interfere." You glanced around at the trio, hoping none of them had caught you staring at Harry. You shouldn't even be thinking of Harry like that. You're betrothed to Draco. But a little fun doesn't hurt, right? Especially after Draco's impulsive actions.

"Hem, hem." The familiar annoying voice stopped everyone's chatter.

Professor Umbridge clad in pink was standing in front of the class, a sickly smile on her face. You knew that it was fake, no matter how nice she pretended to be.

"Well, good afternoon." She said, smiling around at everyone.

We all muttered a pitiful 'good afternoon'.

"Tut, tut," she said. "That won't do now, will it? I should like you, please, to reply 'good afternoon, Professor Umbridge.' One more time, please. Good afternoon, class!"

"Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge." we chanted back at her.

"What a dragon." You heard Parvati mutter to her twin Padma behind you.

"Wands away and quills out, please."

We all looked around gloomily. Putting your wands away never meant for a great class. But, as you were a Ravenclaw, you weren't too upset about a theory lesson. Might help with your O.W.Ls later in the year.

"Hey, what's on your neck there?" Hermione whispered to you. Your eyes widened. You had forgotten to cover the mark Draco had given you the night before. You hastily placed your hand there and gave Hermione a small smile.

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