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The Lupin Household
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[Name] giggled as her 8-year-old brother chased her around the garden. Flowers blossomed as they waved their hands over the buds, showing their signs of magic that their parents desperately tried to keep a secret. The neighbours were muggles and unsuspecting of magic, but that could get hard during the full moon.

The Lupins were thankful for the woods that sat eerily behind their house. But as a precaution, Mrs. Lupin would brew a potion, helping Remus contain his wolf side. It was for everyone's protection, but mainly for their children's protection. Remus was scared one of his kids would be like him, but to his luck, they were ordinary witches and wizards.

Voldemort hadn't been able to find his daughter and the family she had kept from him, so he gave up trying. He was more focused on Harry Potter and the prophecy that would lead to his demise. But he wasn't strong enough and Harry had lived on, sending Voldemort away. His daughter could finally live in peace with her family and never have to worry about her evil father again.

To her everything was perfect. A perfect house, perfect husband, perfect family. She did miss James and Lily Potter dearly and tried to fight Dumbledore for custody of their son, but to no avail. The Potter boy was forced to live with his treacherous aunt and uncle. But she'd still try to sneak visits to him, bringing [Name] with her, hoping they'd make friends.

She loved her life and her family and couldn't have asked for anything more. She didn't know how she deserved this when her father was the most feared and hated wizard in all of the Wizarding World. But she had spoken too soon.

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The night was cold and Tom Riddle's daughter was stressed. She was pregnant with their third child, two months in. [Name] was being fussy and her older brother was getting more curious and tended to wander the house instead of being in bed. The full moon shone bright and Remus had gone to his room to see if his wife had made his potion. But she was fast asleep on their bed.

He decided he could be okay tonight. Everyone was safely tucked in inside and he'd be in the woods, unable to hurt anyone. Oh, how he was wrong. His son had noticed is father's disappearances every month and was determined to see what was happening. He heard his father shut the door and watched as he stumbled into the woods. The eldest Lupin child walked to his sister's room, checked if she was asleep and pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead. His baby sister was his best friend and he made sure she was always safe.

He slipped outside and took the same path he saw his father take. The wind nipped at his nose but he was worried about his dad and needed to make sure he was okay. The howling of a wolf, stopped him in his tracks and he put two and two together. He was smart for an eight-year-old. But before he could do anything, something pounced on him and then everything went black.

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Mrs. Lupin awoke the next morning, a bad feeling lingering in her stomach. Her instincts told her to check on her children. [Name] was sleeping soundly but when she got to her son's room, her heart dropped. Remus wasn't in the house and neither was her first born. Her maternal instincts told her that something went terribly wrong. She tried to think that maybe they took a walk together or they were playing together. But when she heard the sound of sobbing, her heart sunk.

Outside sat Remus, sobbing over a small figure. Their son. His clothes were torn to shreds and his face was almost unrecognisable. Blood was everywhere. Tears filled her eyes and she held her son's body in her arms. Heartbroken.

"Mummy?" Her tired daughter walked out to see what was happening and her innocent eyes widened when she saw her brother. Remus tried to take her back inside but it was too late. The family of three all cried into each other arms, mourning a loss that would ruin them forever.

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A Small Cottage

It had been 7 years since the incident. The former Mrs. Lupin had taken her daughter away. Remus had refused to keep living with them, he didn't want it to happen again. Tom Riddle's daughter had lost her third child and devoted her life to keeping her only child safe. She was going to Hogwarts for the first time and Ms. [Lastname] was worried. She had changed their lastnames and cut off connection from the world. But it was going to be hard to avoid now. There was no sign of Voldemort returning and she hoped it would stay that way. She hadn't forgotten her father's need for an heir to his name.

"I am so excited, Mum! I can finally make some friends." [Name]'s mum smiled at her daughter's enthusiasm and decided she was finally ready to let go and let her daughter have the best time.
"Remember the seven B's?" [Name] rolled her eyes.
"Books before boys because boys bring babies."
"Good. Now you're ready. I love you, dear."
"I love you too, Mum."

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We have a new professor for D.A.D.A and he is the best!
His name is Professor Lupin and he's really nice to me. In fact he even said he knew you from school! Harry said we kind of look alike, but I think he's dreaming.
I miss you!

Love, [Name].

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