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i can't do fking math and its 11pm so bare with me.
sorry for the long wait, i had a bit of writer's block, but now i feel ready to write 100 stories. hope you enjoy!

edit - got writers block again, so the wait was extra long. i apologise.

- - -

One year before Albus Potter is born. (I think Teddy is 5 or 6, sorry if I'm wrong)

"Draco, we"re gonna be late, hurry up!" I tapped my feet impatiently, holding onto my little brother, Teddy's hand as he impatiently tugged on it.

"I wanna go, I wanna see Uncle Harry!"

"Yes, yes, we're going," I gave him a smile. "Cover your ears, hun." I watched as he let go of my hand to cover his ears, smiling as he knew what was coming.

"Draco Malfoy, if you don't get your ass down here in ten seconds, I will personally march up there and drag you by the neck if I have to-"

"Why so mad, babe?" He cut me off. "I'm right here." I furrowed my eyebrows angrily, grabbing onto Teddy's hand once again, getting ready to leave. Draco placed a hand on my waist, causing me to stop and look at him. He smirked and leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"The neck thing sounds kind of kinky, wouldn't mind giving it a try." His breath sent shivers down my spine and I playfully hit his shoulder to hide the red hue that had tinted my cheeks.

"Let's go." I huffed, throwing Floo powder into the fireplace.

- - -

"Now that was amazing!" I sniffled wiping a tear from my eye. I had left Teddy with Harry as he was his godfather and Harry was nice enough to let me take a break from looking after the metamorphagus who was supposedly just as cheeky as his mother once used to be.

"What was so amazing? They're just having a baby. They already had one, no big deal." Draco rolled his eyes as he followed me upstairs. I started to undress, unbuttoning my top, taking in the fact that a pair of grey eyes were watching my every move.

"Maybe I want a baby, Draco." I stood up, placing my hands on my hips. "We've been married for almost five years now and I want a family. I want a mini me or a mini you." Draco's mouth was agape. He fumbled with his tie and I walked over to him, dressed in nothing but my lacy black bra and matching panties.

"I know you enjoy the part that comes before the pregnancy." I whispered in his ear, undoing his tie for him. He gulped. Had I really made the King of Flirting flustered? 

It was like he read my mind. He snapped out of whatever trance he was in and grabbed my wrists. "You think you can out tease me?" He lightly growled into my ear, his teeth grazing my earlobe. I shook my head silently. Now a grown woman and I still can't stand up to this man.

He gently moved me over toward the bed and pushed me down so my back was laying flat. He smiled and quickly removed his clothing before hovering over me and enveloping my lips in a sweet kiss. He really turned into a gentleman. I let myself melt into his arms and let him do what he does best. 


10 months later

"Draco, can you get him?" I mumbled, rolling over in bed to turn to face my husband. My eyes shot open as I saw he wasn't even in bed, and the loud crying sounds had stopped. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, watching as my beautiful husband cradled our son. He was an exact copy of him, with bright platinum hair and stormy grey eyes. 

"Couldn't sleep again?" I whispered, noticing the bags under his eyes, they stuck out on his pale skin. He nodded, sniffing. I got out from under the covers and gently took Scorpius from him. "Go, sleep, Draco. I had a good four hours without nightmares, I'll be okay." Draco nodded, kissing me on the cheek.

"I'll be right here." I sat down next to Draco, still cradling Scorpius as he lay back down and tried to get back to sleep. I think it was safe to say that the Battle of Hogwarts had a great effect on both us. Certain nights we'd wake up screaming. I couldn't get the image of my mother out of my head, seeing my father and Benji. Reliving the moment he died, the horror, the blood. With Scorpius they had died down, but there was always that certain night where Voldemort was there, watching me. Watching his legacy. I shuddered as I imagined the thought of that horrendous man. 

I looked down at my baby, admiring his button nose and smooth skin. He was perfect, everything I had ever wanted. I placed him back in the crib after he fell asleep, and lay down next to my husband, lightly caressing his hair, pleased when I heard the deep breathing indicating he had managed to get to sleep. 

I sighed as I thought about the future. Would my child have to face the horrors we did at Hogwarts, was it safe? We'd never know.


Platform 9 & 3/4

"Do you have everything, honey?" I asked again for the tenth time, my son rolling his eyes at how worried I was.

"Yes, Mum, for the last time, I have everything. I promise." He gave me a quick hug and skipped off to Harry's kids. 

"Hey, sis." A familiar deep voice startled me. I turned around and was met with blue hair and a cheeky smile. My eyes welled up with tears and I immediately embraced the tall boy. 

"I missed you, so much!" He chuckled and hugged me back. The only biological family I had left. 

"Let go, honey, you're suffocating him." Draco chuckled.

"I'm sorry, it's just such an emotional day." Teddy smiled in understanding.

"Now where is little Scorpius? Gotta give him a proper send off." 

I rolled my eyes. "At least pretend to let him win this time. I swear if I get another complaint about how Uncle Teddy has wrestled him to the ground, I will hex you into oblivion!"

Teddy raised his hands up in defence. I narrowed my eyes. "I'm watching you, Edward."

The blue-haired teen ran off and I turned back to Draco who was trying not to laugh. "What?" I questioned.

"You. I just love you. Now let's go and give the kids a proper goodbye."

We linked arms and stood by the train, watching all the kids board, giving their parents one last hug, waving as they entered. Scorpius ran over, engulfing us in a group hug.

"Good luck, Scorpius. Make friends and have fun!" I sniffled.

"Remember, we don't care what house you get into." Draco smiled, ruffling his hair. Scorpius gave us a huge smile and one last hug, before getting onto the train with Albus. They waved out of the window and I wiped my tears, leaning into Draco who gently kissed my forehead. "He'll be okay, love." I nodded in response, all the memories of Hogwarts flooding back to me.

All was not well, but sometimes it was.


thank you guys so much for reading this. i'm sorry if this chapter sucked, but i was running out of ideas and i wanted something cute for an ending. thank you for coming on me with this rollercoaster, if it wasn't for you all, i wouldn't be here. thank you for loving my writing and inspiring me to keep on living my dream (: stay tuned for more stories xx

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