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okay so i literally have no proper timeline and i apologise if things don't match up with the book, it's been a long while since i've read it. things are just happening randomly and i hope you don't mind (:


I was sitting in the Great Hall, eating, minding my own business. It had been around a week since Draco and I's scandal in the Room of Requirement. We don't normally bring up anything about having sex with each other, but lately, he made it a habit to tease me. I just shrug it off, but I always feel myself going red and Harry staring at me from across the room. I knew he was uncomfortable about my situation with Draco, as was I at the start, but Draco just grows on you.

I laughed at a joke Luna told and that's when I looked up and noticed Draco standing. He looked paler than normal, and he had a blank, yet scared look on his face. He and Harry made eye contact and then Draco sped off. Harry followed after him and I knew this couldn't be good. 

"I need to go." I said hurriedly to whoever was listening and speed walked to Harry's figure. He was two steps in front of me when a figure stopped me.

"Ah, Miss [Name]. Just the person I wanted to see." It was Slughorn. He congratulated me on my Potions work and I just nodded as I craned over his shoulder to look for any signs of Draco and Harry. But they were gone. I sighed in defeat and just listened to Slughorn, promising myself I'd go and find the boys after he stopped droning on. "Well, I'll be seeing you, [Name]. Keep up the good work." Slughorn patted me on the back and I hastily walked the corridors, looking for any signs of Harry or Draco.

I watched as Professor Snape rushed into the toilets. My first instinct was that Draco was hurt. And I was right. I ran into the bathroom and saw Draco on the ground, bleeding. Snape was chanting an incantation to heal him. My eyes welled up with tears as I saw how limp and lifeless he looked. 

"Draco," I whispered, leaning over him. "Will he be okay?" I directed this to Professor Snape. He just nodded, continuing his incantations. I sniffed as tears dropped from my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. How could Harry do something like this? It was inhumane. I know they hated each other, but this was too far. 

Draco opened his eyes and saw me over him. He put on a smirk. "Crying over me, [Name]?" I rolled my eyes and gently hit his arm.

"You idiot! You almost died and that's what you say?" Snape helped him up and whispered a few words into his ear and then left with a swish of his cloak. I embraced Draco and he rubbed my back as I let the last few tears escape. "Why did Harry do this to you?" I finally asked when we pulled away.

"I think he knows." He lifted up his left sleeve and I winced as I saw the harsh black ink. I placed my hand over it.

"It doesn't matter. I won't let him hurt you again." He smiled at me and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. He pulled me into a gentle kiss and I blushed with how cute he was being. It was rare to see Draco act like this and I did like it as well as I liked the dominant Malfoy. 

"All that matters is that you cried over me." He smirked proudly, leaning against the wall.

"For that, I'm not helping you up." I stood up and walked away. 

"No, wait. [Name]!"


The next day, I decided to confront Harry. I was not happy with his actions. He was supposed to be my friend. He was supposed to respect me and the people I associated with. It wasn't fair. I spotted him talking to Hermione and Ron by the Black Lake and stomped over to them.

"Harry," I fumed, "you need to get over here right now." 

He swallowed nervously and left his friends to join me. "Why?"
"You know why." I glared at him. "How could you do that? You know how much he means to me."

"He's a Death Eater, [Name]. He'll kill me, or give Voldemort tips on how to kill me." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his shirt. 

"The only person that can kill you right now, is me." He gulped. "We're like brother and sister. We have to respect each other. He didn't choose to be a Death Eater, okay? It was punishment. Just like how losing my baby was punishment. You can't hurt someone like that. He didn't choose it." My eyes began to well up again and I let go of Harry's shirt. "H-he didn't c-ch-choose it." 

"Hey, it's okay." Harry enveloped me into a hug and let me cry out all of my emotions. "I'm sorry for hurting him. I'm just very stressed lately. I don't know who to trust."

"You can trust me, okay?" I smiled at him, wiping my eyes. "Best friends till the end." 

Harry smiled back. "Till the end." We locked our pinkies into a pinky promise and even though he almost killed Draco, I knew he probably didn't mean it. I hope he didn't mean it, anyway. 

"I'll see you later." 

Massive Time Skip (oops)

"I did it." Draco was shaking. I dropped my book and dragged him into a quiet corner of the library. 

"Did what?" 

"I fixed the cabinet." He whispered. More to himself than me. "I fixed the cabinet." I placed my hands on his shoulders and looked him directly in the eyes.

"What cabinet, Draco? What cabinet did you fix?"


ooh i wonder...

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