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updates will be kinda slow because school has started (fml) and i'm also planning/writing a new story to do with a demon prince and all that, you know, the usual. anyways hope you're enjoying and keep commenting!! your comments make my day and make me laugh. love you alllll!

also sorry if my timeline sucks or if i get some facts wrong. i haven't read the books in a while.


"Professor Lupin?" I was shocked. The man that was supposedly my father was here. In our house. Right now. Why? I had no idea.

"Honey? What's going on?" My mother joined me in the living room, her eyes wide and mouth agape as the man she used to love stood before her. Scars littered his face and his hair was swept over his forehead. His brown eyes were full of hope and he was twiddling his thumbs. I knew he was nervous. We were all nervous.

"Remus," Mum said stiffly. "What are you doing here?"

"Marvella." He walked over to her and she tensed up as he got closer. "I've come to see my daughter." He gave me a warm look and I averted my eyes. I didn't know how to feel. Why only see me now? He had 12 years to see me. He could have said something in my third year. Why wait now?

"I'm sorry about Sirius. I miss him too." Mum sniffed. "I know how close you two were." I could tell Lupin was trying to make conversation with my mother. From what I knew, they were both each other's first loves. It was strange to think that Mum didn't want anything to do with him anymore. 

"You killed my boy." Mum simply said and left the room. I could hear her sniffling as she walked down the hallway to her room. 

Lupin sighed. His eyes were watery. "I'll listen to what you have to say." I said. I felt bad for him. 

We sat down on the couch and I stared at him. I could kind of see the resemblance between me and him. But I took after my mother more. I looked at him. Waiting for him to start talking. All my life I had been told lies about who my father was. I had my memory wiped. It wasn't fair.

"I'm guessing Marvella told you about what happened to your brother," he wiped a stray tear that was sliding down his scarred cheek. "I have never been able to forgive myself for that. And for the fact that you had witnessed it. I'm so sorry, my dear. I have never been able to face you after that."

My eyes were watering as I watched my father silently cry. Mum had never forgiven him and he had never forgiven himself. It would have been tearing away at him. "Why could you never face me?" I asked.

He took in a deep breath. "I was afraid you'd only see me as a monster. That you'd want nothing to do with me. I'm the reason you can see thestrals and I'm the reason you don't have a proper family." He began to cry again. 

I placed my hand gently on his and gave him a sympathetic smile. "I forgive you. I just wish you came to me earlier. I could use a father." He smiled back at me and he embraced me. We tried to catch up a little bit, I told him about Draco and although he didn't exactly approve, he was happy with the fact that I was happy. I even told him about my baby and the horror I had to go through. 

"I know I haven't been here at all, but I will do my best to make everything up to you and to be a father to you." He smiled at me. I watched as he twiddled with his fingers and noticed the gleam of silver. It was a ring. 

"What's that?" I pointed to the ring. "Is it yours and Mum's wedding ring?" My father, swallowed and took in a deep breath before answering. 

"No, it's a promise ring." I stared pointedly at him. I had no time for games. I gestured for him to continue. "From my new girlfriend." 

My heart sank. Why did I think that we had a chance to be a family again? "Who is she?" 

"Her name is Nymphadora Tonks." Tonks. That name was familiar. I vaguely remember my mother telling me about her friend Andromeda, who's parents disowned her after she got with Hufflepuff Ted Tonks. 

"Draco's cousin?" I sat up abruptly. He nodded, confirming it. "Oh, wow." I sat back down. Draco's cousin, my future cousin-in-law. "So you'll be my father but my cousin as well? This is messed up." 

"We didn't know," He shook his head. "We didn't know you'd be wed to Draco." 

I sighed. My life was a mess. "It's okay. Does Mum know?" 

"I know now." My mother appeared from around the wall and crossed her arms. "Glad to know you've moved on." Her voice was cold. I had never seen her like that before. 

"Marvella, you told me to leave. You told me to never come back." I was shocked. "You told me to never associate with our daughter ever again."

"And I was right. You're causing her more stress." I stood up in front of my father. Outraged at what I was hearing. It wasn't his fault that he never reached out, it was hers.

"Actually, mother, I'm happy he's back." I crossed my arms, defending him. Yes, it was strange that I was defending someone I had basically only just met, but I wasn't happy that Mum kept more secrets from me and told me more lies. "And I think, I want to go back with him."

"I won't let yo-" 

"Let her. It will give us the chance to bond and reconnect." Remus stood up and gently took my hand. "I will have her stuff sent over tomorrow. Let's go." And with that we apparated away, leaving behind my mother who had an angry look on her face. Hopefully she wouldn't come back and take me away. I wanted the chance to get to know Professor Lupin, or should I say, my father. I didn't know what it was like to have a proper father figure. And I barely remember anything from when I was four. 


"Where are we?" I questioned, looking around the house that was hidden in the Muggle area. 

"Headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix." I had no idea what that was, but I didn't question it anyways. 

"Remus?" A soft voice called out. I looked towards the voice and saw a girl with short pink hair. She embraced my father and I watched awkwardly, assuming that this was Nymphadora. They pulled away and she looked at me with a smile. "This must be [Name]?" I nodded and tensed up as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I've heard about you. You are gorgeous." 

"T-thank you." I felt nervous. She was my father's girlfriend and I felt like I was betraying my mother. But at the same time, she was nice and welcoming. 

"I heard [Name]?" I heard a voice yell from up the stairs. Footsteps thumped down and I was thrown into a hug by a familiar black haired, green eyed boy. 

"Harry!" I returned the hug and we smiled at our little reunion, even though I only saw him a couple of hours ago. Hermione and Ron came down and gave me small hugs. 

"We'll show you to your room!"


sorry that there was no Draco in this chapter, but next chapter they're going back to school which means lots of your favourite boyy!! hope you enjoyed (:

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