Knife Cutting

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Skye's POV:

I woke up to a light tapping on my nose. I just ignored it and turned round to face the other side of the bed. I heard a sigh and then someone's lips on mine.

I shot my eyes open with the persons lips still on mine. To find my one and only boyfriend.

I pulled away making him pout at my actions. I just chuckled at him.

"Yanno, I could get used to waking up like that"

I said as I felt a grin make it's way on to my lips.

I looked to see Colton's lust filled eyes staring back at me. Then his usual smirk returned onto those lips I had learned to love so much.

"Yeah? Well next time I'll wake you up with something even better,"

I pushed his face away with as much strength I could muster, especially since I had just woken up like 10 seconds ago. This may have made him fall off the bed.

"Oi! I didn't do anything!"

"Yeah because being a pervert isn't anything at all is it?"

I laughed and helped him up only to be pulled down by his muscular arms. I squealed we rolled by my bed until he was straddling me.

He came to kiss me but no way was I kissing him with morning breath. So I did the only thing I could think at that point... which was "RAAAAPPPEEE! HELP MEEE-"

I was cut short when a hand was pressed to my mouth. I licked it which resulted in a girlish scream, the source being my oh so manly boyfriend.

I burst out laughing and he looked at me as though I was crazy. I don't blame him I could tell from the way I was laughing it sounded like a maniac.

My laughter was cut short when the door slammed open. And would you look who it is! Mr big ol' alpha.

Only something was different. Everything was just so tense. Almost we though you could get a knife to slice the air. So me being me who was always extra careful with safety. Stood up and walked to my bedside table and I felt both their gazes on me. I chuckled to myself and I opener my top drawer ane grabbed the 'fake silver' knife.

When I turned around with a huge grin on my face I saw both their eyes widen. Nevertheless I carried on with my plan.

I knifed the air and threw the knife into the air catching it expertly making then cautiously step back a bit.

I then placed the knife down at laughed my head off so hard and only stopped when it hurt.

"You- your- faces- you- should've- seen-them"

And with that I carried on laughing like a maniac. When I had finally finished I tried to explain why I had just probably almost given them a heart attack.

"So uhm, care to explain cupcake?"

Colton asked and I heard a small growl resonate from Nash at my nickname. Ignoring his growl I stared to explain.

"Well seeing as there was so much tension in the room. I decided to see if the phrase used so many times in books 'you could cut the tension in the room with a knife'. So I tried it and it obviously worked because now it's not as awkward!"

I looked at Nash who looked at Colton and then the both of then just started laughing. It wasn't long before I joined in. When the laughter had died down Nash stood up.

"Well, as long as no rape has taken place I'll just be going then. Skye before I go I just want to apologise for yesterday. You weren't listening so I thoug-"

I shook my had as he spoke and cut him off at the end

"Just go, I don't know what Colton said to you but it didn't work so just go. Please."

He just nodded his head sadly and walked out closing the door behind him.

"Hey, you okay?"

I looked over at Colton.

"I'm fine Cole"


"Yeah, you called me cupcake so I'm calling you Cole"

He came and hugged me making me lose my balance and tumble onto the bed. Bringing him with me of course, we rolled over until I was straddling him.

"Well hi there freckles,"


"Yeah freckles, cupcake's just general"

"Haha I have like 3 freckles either side of my face though!"

"They're still freckles though!"

"True dat! Now lemme go shower!"

He came to kiss me again so I kneed him where the sun don't shine and ran to my en-suite shower. I looked over my shoulder to see him holding his nuts and crouching over in pain. He gave me a questioning look and I just replied with

"Morning breath"

I shut the door and took a nice long hot shower.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in ages! Been busy! Ill make it up to you I promise, sorry if this is boring. It's just a filler chapter. The good parts are on their way soon!

Love you all loads!



And whatever you guys usually do!

Alissa xxx

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