Nash to the rescue

342 13 5

Skye's POV:

I looked at y reflection in the mirror that was now blurry from my hot shower. I touched my hair. I was becoming tired of looking like this. The only thing I liked about myself was that my eyes were a really nice blue. But my hair just seemed to make everything about me seem dull.

I have an idea. It's time for a change.

I quickly towel dried my hair and let it naturally dry into its soft loose curls. My hair had grown a bit and it was now up to the waist of my high waisted jeans. It stopped about 5 inches before my butt.

I smiled at myself the perfect length.

I changed into a my blue skinny high waisted jeans and threw on my black lace top and ran to Caroline and Nates room.

I knocked on the door not quite wanting to walk in just incase they were... you get the idea.

Nate came to the door,

"Oh hey Skye, you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine thanks, is Caroline around?"

"Not today no she had to go visit her friend who's come to visit from Australia,"

"Oh, okay thanks. Hey I'm can I borrow your car? I haven't gotten round to getting a new car yet?"

He sighed before going inside the room and returning with a set of car keys dangling from his fingers

"Not a single scratch,"

"Yay! Thank you, I'll take care of your car, don't worry! Bye Nash,"

"Bye Skye,"

I was about to walk next door back to my room when my eyes fell across to Emma's room. Maybe Emma's not busy today?

I knocked on Emma's door. A wide awake Emma opened the door.

"Hey Skye! What can I do for you?"

Wow she seems brighter! At least she's not shy around me anymore.

"Hey Emma I was just wondering if you wanted to come shopping with me?"

"Me? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, you free all day?"

"Yeah it's a Saturday I don't have any house chores to do, sure I'll come!"

"Great meet me by downstairs in 5?"

"Okay, see ya in a bit!"

I waved and went to my room to quickly but ok some makeup.

I decided to go for just eyeliner and mascara. I put on a really thick coat of mascara so that when I opened my eye it made me look a bit rebelish. But when I closed it you could just see that it was eyeliner. I put my mascara on and threw my phone into my bag and went down the stairs.

I was so grateful Caroline had taught me how to get to all the basics from my room. Especially because this house if just so god damn big! I knew how to get to the kitchen, garden, downstairs door and the alpha and Luna's bedroom which was right at the top of the house.

I was greeted by the sound of rude comments like,

"Nobody wants you"

"You're just a little useless omega"

"Look at your face. At least thank the acne because it actually protects us from your ugliness and it makes your face look about as good as it's gonna get"

Then there were snickers and laughter.

As I walked round the banister, the first thing I saw was Emma surrounded by a group of boys that look the same age as her. She had tears streaming down her face.

"Oi! Who the hell do you lot think you are? Picking on a poor innocent girl like that! Go get lost and screw yourselves because as far as I'm concerned nobody wants a cold hearted bastard for a mate. So I suggest you grow up into a reasonable person for your unlucky mates!"

As I finished my speech I took Emma into my arms as she cried.

"What's going on here? Skye?"

I could tell it was Nash by his voice. Great, he's come to pick on Emma too being the heartless son of a bitch he is, I thought.

I turned to look at him and nodded my head over to the boys who looked scared now.

"Why don't you ask them seeing as their the ones who picked on Emma."

Nash looked over at the group of boys

"Is this true?"

he asked in his authoritative alpha voice.

There was a few minutes silence until Nash grew impatient

"Answer me!"

"Were sorry, it was just a joke. We were only playing around. We didn't expect for her to cry,"

Nash looked annoyed, considering he wasn't even alpha yet he was handling this situation well.

"That's no excuse, you will take all of Emma's housework jobs for the next 6 months as punishment."

"Yes Alpha Nash"

They all said simultaneously, then they went out bickering between themselves.

"Emma? Honey are you okay?"

I asked pulled her out of my shoulder where she was crying. She nodded her head.

"Here I'll tell you what, you go freshen up and meet me back down here when you're ready. How does that sound?"

"Thanks Skye"

A muffled reply came as she sped up the stairs.

As I looked away I caught Nash's eye.

"Hey, um thanks. It's nice to know that the alpha to be has some control for brats like them boys,"

He chuckled before nodding

"Yeah, I mean I always knew Emma was never a very popular one but she had always been quiet whenever I had seen her. I just assumed she was naturally shy,"

"Well thanks,"

"Anytime, so you guys goin out now then?"

"Yeah, I wanna go shopping to grab some bits and bobs. It'll be good for Emma to get out of the house"

"Yeah, well I have to go, I have a pack meeting,"

"Bye Nash"

"Bye Skye"

If anybody is wondering why the young vid were calling Nash alpha even though he's not alpha. It's to show a sign of respect, even when an alpha is no longer alpha due to old age. They will still be called alpha. It's just respect really.

I waited for Emma to come down, she took about 10 minutes. I just occupied myself by playing candy crush on my phone on the couch.

Once Emma agreed she was ready to go we went to the garage to get Nash's car. I forgot to ask which car he had so I just pressed unlock and looked up for he flashing lights and the sound. I wasn't half surprised when a red Lamborghini lit up. He was the alphas brother after all right?

We got in and I drove to the nearest mall with the help if my blue iPhone 5c.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! What's the surprise gonna be? That's for me to know and you to find out! all in good time my friends! It would mean the world to me if you commented and voted! I've only had 1 comment so far even 1 more would mean a lot! My birthdays on Thursday so I might not update around that fine but anyway. Peace!



And whatever you guys usually do!

Alissa xxxx

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