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My Best friend and I are at my house getting packed for a trip that we take next week. We're also getting ready to go with the football players to an away game that's just a few hours away. My friend and I, and a couple of other girls that are on the help team for the football players were going to drive but the car that we were going to take is having troubles so now we must take the bus with the guys... Fun!!

I'm not saying that all the guys are mean assholes, but they are... well most of them anyway.

I look at my best friend... well my only friend really... we're friends but more like sisters anyway what I'm trying to say is we're super close. "Do you think I'm finished?" I asked gesturing to my bag of clothes.

"What are you packing for the apocalypse?" Sarcasm dripping from her voice she lets out a giggle and then reached over to take out half of my bags content putting the folded clothes on my bed saying "That should do it. You don't need so many clothes for just a week, silly."

"Ha-ha," I say sarcastically. "Its important to be prepared for anything and to be punctual... speaking of what time do we have to go?" I question. She rolls her eyes as she glances down at her phone for the time then looks back at me and says, "We have a couple of hours, what do you want to do?"

I give her a raised eyebrow and ask her "What do you think?"

She nods and says, "You're reading my mind, again aren't you?"

Rolling my eyes loudly and shake my head she has this crazy Theory that I can read minds and see the future and it's absolutely fucking nuts but whatever. I turn and follow her out to the woods, we love to walk through the woods in our spare time. I'm not sure why but it calms me. The fresh air at night, crisp on the cooler days, the beautiful colors in the trees during the fall. The way it looks and how it's so quiet during winter. The Beautiful green color during the summer. And don't even get me started on spring! The pure beauty of it takes my breath away every time. I do love to spend a lot of time out in the woods though it's kind of odd to my family they don't understand I just love it, I feel like I connect with the woods, the trees and, the animals in a more unique way than I do with anything else.

Daniela and I spend a couple of hours in the woods walking around, talking about nothing important and finally realize we almost ran out of time we're going to be late, we run back to the house grab our suitcases and throw them in the bed of my small two door truck. I hurriedly threw it into gear and we drive to silver creek high school.


Once we get there everyone's already loading the bus I could hardly park. We put our bags in the front and I lock up and walk to the bus, the coach who I saw more as a father figure than anything else, offers us smile and says, "you almost got left."

I chuckle at his playful tone as his deep southern accent is coming through thickly.

"Would you really leave me, coach Beckham?" I say as I look up at him sweetly.

I asked already knowing the answer to my question.

He says "Yes are you wacked out of your mind? I have a tight schedule to be on."

"Oh, right I almost forgot," I say sarcastically.

"Alright girls hurry up get on the bus." he rushes us, and we hurriedly get on the bus he gets on soon after. As I look around for an empty seat my eyes catch with someone. I can't help but not look at the beautiful bright honey brown color of his eyes they have me transfixed and I can't look away.


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