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I play mind games with the angel and I know what we are doing is wrong. I personally don't want to hurt her, but her blood calls to me and the animal in me wants to rip her apart. I think the human side may lose. I try to focus on the job, Zac doesn't want us to hurt her but its hard to do when I have two other hungry vampires downstairs.  

"Zac will kill us if we are wrong he wants to find out for himself if she is what we suspect."

"You know we won't even get a taste, I can smell her from here."

I overhear the twins, Jack and Daniel talking about hurting her.   Yes, their mother named them after Jack Daniels.  I hear someone coming towards the house, I hurry downstairs "Jack, Daniel, someones coming, be prepared," I make my way to the door and throw it open. We all heave a sigh of relief when we see Zac.  "Sup little brother?" he exclaims with a sly smirk. He comes up and throws his arm around my neck like big brothers do "hows my little angel?" he says with a hint of mischief in his voice.

"You know me..I've been keeping her occupied, no need to worry," I responded returning a smirk. "I'm sure, but in all seriousness brother, we need to keep her healthy until the blood moon." he sighs throwing himself over the couch dramatically. 

"Why do we have to keep her til then though can't we just do it now?" Jack chimes in causing Zac to roll his eyes but keep his cool composure. "Because if we wait till the blood moon to take her heart then we will obtain more powers than just eternal life, witch we already have." Zac relaxes again grinning like a mad man.

Most people don't know this but being Zacs brother for the last 124 years I've come to notice he's not as nice as he seems, he pretends to be all cool and fun but in reality, he's the cruelest man you'll ever meet, he has done things unimaginable to most people in this world. As far as he is concerned the only thing that matters in this world is making himself more powerful. Basically he's a narcissistic, sadistic asshole. That being said he's still my big brother and I love him he's just insane. 

"I think we should pay her a  little visit," says Zac, his bright red eyes gleaming with something unidentifiable to me. We walk up the stair and to the end of the hallway to a dark door seemingly as old as time the hinges barely holding on and the doorknob holding on by one measly screw. Walking into the room there is a chill in the air, the girl sitting in the corner of the room flinches, sitting straight up, listening to every move we make. 

Zac takes notice of the tension in the air walking over to her and placing his hand on her cheek. "Hello angel, there's no need to be scared. We're all  friends here." The girl takes a deep breath, almost as if she's trying to compose herself, she raises her head almost looking directly at Zac. "I am not scared." she breathes out bravely. The action seems to take Zac by surprise, he raises a brow and the girl and glances at me. 

I walk over knowing exactly what he's insinuating, I place my hand on her head and everything goes black I show her what Zac will do if she doesn't cooperate. "ALLIE ALLIE HELP" its dark and all she can see is her beloved Colby and Danny sitting on the ground beaten and bloody, crying and screaming for her help yet she can't help them. When I feel like she's had enough I move away, looking down at her I can see that she's scared and shaking there are tears welling in the corner of her eyes. I can tell she is trying her best not to give in and burst into tears.

"Do you understand now angel?" Zac grins patting her head and standing up from the squatting position in front of Allie, looking down at her and waiting on a response. She slowly nods seemingly defeated. He turns and leaves with a snicker as the others follow. Once the others leave I stand there looking at this girl and honestly I feel guilty, she seems so confused, like she's lost.

"What's going on?" she asks quietly.

 I'm frozen, Does she really not know? How could she not? "What do you mean?" I ask couriously.

 "Why am I here? What do you want from me?" She seems almost angry.

 "Don't play dumb, you know exactly why you're here." She has to know what is happening, she knows what we are, shes trying to trick me. 

"NO! I don't know what is going on, I'm not tricking you I really don't know!!!" she screams. 

Do I tell her? Do I leave? What am I supposed to do in a situation like this? Let her die not knowing the truth about herself? 

Ten minutes pass by, at this point I'm thinking of how to tell her. I may be one of the bad guys but I'm not heartless. She knows I'm still here, she's waiting on an answer that I don't think I have. I finally stand up and walk to her, kneeling down in front of her. Wow, she is beautiful, I look at her tear-stained cheeks and give her a gentle smile finally blurting out.

"you're an angel."  

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