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I stood there a moment staring at him... Stay with him? ...yes, I would love to! But wait what?! Allie, you don't know-... Ok you do but- and it's your job... Ugh/yay stupid mixed emotions!!

I was about to answer when the door banged open it was the coach.

"Allie, we need you!" He says rushing out again.

Oh, my this can't be good.

I glance back at Colby and he looks... Impassive ... as always. He meets my eyes and it almost looks like disappointment, but then it's gone.

"I... I'm sorry. I'll be back soon." I say feeling as if I owe him something. He nods, and I rush off after coach.

When I get out of the field house I am being dragged off by Danny in the direction of a big crowd.

This is bad!

I soon realize to what extent of bad...

I get to the crowd and push myself through when I get to the center I see Noah Steel he's like the only one that really talks to me on the team but he's that type of guy that is friends with everyone.

I walk up to him and take in the extent of his injury... It's bad, like a bone sticking out bad.

His collarbone is sticking out and there is a lot of blood, he has a split lip and a broken nose. What happened!! Did he get hit by a frat train??

I look up to coach and he's on the phone with what sounds like a historical mother... yikes!

"...yes, ma'am the ambulance is on its way... Yes, ma'am, we're doing what we can now... Mrs. Steel, I assure you it's not as bad as you think..." 

I'm looking at coach like he's grown two heads and so is Danny. He is most definitely not ok! But we can't really do much for him till the ambulance gets here.

"...Mrs. Steel ...Mrs. Steel!... The ambulance is here now, and I will be with him... Yes, I'll stay on the phone with you..." he looks at me and beckons me over he pulls the phone away from his ear and covers the mouthpiece.

"I need you to keep a close eye on Colby and... no, I'll tell him about his brother...well I can't." He says looking around desperately for something or someone his eyes resting on the ambulance.

"I will tell him, coach, go. I can take care of him." Saying that out loud caused an odd feeling in my chest... I shove the feeling aside and focus on the situation at hand.

"Are you sure. I'm not sure how he'll take it..." He trails off his gaze fell on the field house.

I nod, and the movement catches his attention. He nods back and walks over to the assistant coach he says something and then leaves. I walk back over to the field house and go in trying to prepare myself to tell him that his brother is a badly injured and on the way to the hospital, it's very hard. When I enter the room, his gaze falls on me and he has a horrified look on his face.


He cuts me off by jumping off the cot and hurrying towards me he grabs my hands and pulls me towards him so that I'm standing just inches away from him. He pulls my hands up so that they are palm up looking at them in horror I look down and see that they are covered in blood, I realize I was touching Noah, who was bleeding.

It's Noah's.

I look up at him he looks like he's in pain.

"It's not mine." I whisper... why am I whispering?

"Oh?... Who's?" He says, his deep voice sounded gravelly like he was choking on something.

I gently pull my hands away.

"Sit down, you're not supposed to be standing, not with your knee."

He stands there a moment longer taking in my expression he pauses a moment then steps back and sits on the cot. I walk over to the medic stand in the corner of the room hand wipe my hands off. When I'm done I throw the towels away, turn and walk towards him I stop a few feet away. I take a deep breath.

"Your brother was badly injured, and he's being rushed to the hospital right now, coach Beckham is with him and your mom is on the way."

He sat there in silence staring at me like I've grown three heads and a tail... and wings. Then he looks mad and asks.

"What happened?"

I swallow and take an involuntary step back by the force of his words.

"I-I um... I." Why am I stuttering? And why does my voice sound like it's strained? I clear my throat and say in a strong clear voice.

"I don't know exactly." At least I hope it sounded strong.    

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