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My head is pounding, and the room is spinning, my vision is blurry, and I can't really see anything. What is happening?

I calm my self enough to listen to my surroundings and I can hear movement to my left. I jump back and focus my attention on seeing what it was. Recognition runs through me its coach Kelly. He is hurt, unconscious and bleeding pretty bad. I try to use my hands and stop the bleeding, but my hands are tied behind my back. I stop a moment and reach for my shoe I always keep a small pocket knife in there, you never know. After some wrestling to get it I finally feel the warm metal in my fingertips and snatch it out of my high top. As I am working at the ropes I hear a door open and I immediately stop and sit up straight. A man comes into view. I take note for the pack I know they will be coming if not for me than for the man next to me. I glace at him and he is still out cold and bleeding.

"Can you please help him? Or untie me so I can."

"HAHAHA NO! He can die for all I care. I wanted you, he just got in the way."

"What do you want with me?" I ask confused. If he knows something, then it's a good thing he got me and not Allie and I know Colby will keep her safe.

"Well, I wasn't sure when I heard the rumors of an angle in our town. So, I thought let's see, I did some work and found out where you go to school. Then I heard you were with the football team and they had a game a city over. I hired a witch to track the bus and when I had the bus where I wanted it I popped the tire and the witch made sure everyone was asleep and wouldn't wake till we had what I wanted and left, that is where we are now."

He thinks I'm Allie! Good thing she missed picture day and he doesn't know what she looks like. 

"What are you going to do to me?" I ask as if I was scared and helpless. But little did he know as he was rambling I used the knife to finish cutting the ropes as I clinch the knife in one hand I prepared for my moment.

"You should know the answer to that. If I rip out your heart while it's still beating and eat it I'll live forever." He says the last few words with a big smile on his ugly face. I can see the evil in his eyes and I know given the chance he wouldn't think twice about it.

"Well before you feast on my heart let me just let you in on a little secret," I say as I stand up and keeping my hands behind me as if they are still tied I step toward him. Surprised at my actions he steps back.

"You aren't going to be eating anyone's heart, do you know why?" I ask but I don't give him the chance to answer as I backed him up, his back hits a metal pole in the middle of the room. "I'm not the angle, I'm the devil," I say with an evil smile as I use my magic to use the ropes that I was bound with binding him to the pole. I also make sure he can't scream out using the anger that is coursing through me I can make him see and feel anything I want. So, I paralyzed him and making him see pitch black. I run over to coach Kelly I put my hands to his wounds and try to feel what is causing him to not heal. He jumps and looks at me.

"Please pull it out." He whispers I can hear the pain in his voice. I take a deep breath and close my eyes as I reach into his wound and find it I pull it out and when I do I can see it is a claw, like a wolfs claw. I reach back down to help slow the bleeding. After a minute I heard a knock on a door and someone yall down to us.

"Sir, the Silver Creek Pack is on the outer perimeter."

I make him answer "Hold them off I'm almost done here."

"Yes, sir." The voice replies. I look to coach Kelly he is pretty much healed, he is looking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Y- you're a witch?" he asked a little stunned.

"Yes. Now if you want to get out of here and to your pack I suggest you stop gawking at me like I am satin and help me find a way out of here."

"I'm sorry I don't mean to stair I just didn't know you were a witch." He says as he struggles to stand, I walk over and help him stand.

"No one does really."

"Not even your friend, what's her name...Allie, right?"

"Yeah not even her."

"What about- "

"Look I just want to get out of here."

"I'm sorry." A moment later we hear a loud crash from upstairs just as I look up and the door swings open and there stands Colby and the rest of the glory pack .    

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