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I sit in the room, my back in the corner eyes trained on the door waiting. I'm not sure what I am waiting for or what I expect to when it does happen. I try to take my mind off of this stressful situation and think about something else, but all I can think about is Danny. 

I know she has to be extremely worried about me. Not knowing anything or knowing that these monsters are real... but not Colby. Colby is so gentle and sweet I don't think he could be so dangerous.  

Somehow Colby enters my mind, why is he the one that seems to always save me from insanity. 

I was so lost in my thought I didn't realize the door I was staring at had opened. The smell of pizza caught my attention, that is when my stomach connected to my brain telling me I was starving. But I tried not to show it as I looked at the dark figure that was standing in the doorway. I assumed he was watching me.

The figure walks over to the wall just left of the door and turns on a light I didn't even know was there. I quickly cover my eyes from the sudden bright light that is burning my eyes. They finally after a few seconds stops burning and it is just a dull stinging. When my vision finally comes back I can see it is the same man from earlier, the one that showed me those awful things. My mind flashes back to the gruesome imagines of the ones I love so much. 

I eye the pizza in his hands, he takes notice and looks down at it then sits down a few feet in front of me. A moment later when he is settled he sits the pizza in front of him in between us. Even though all I want to do is snatch up the delicious smelling pizza I hold back unsure if I should eat it. I am glancing between the food and the man that I don't think I can trust for anything. He looks annoyed but pushes the box toward me.

"I am not trying to kill you, in fact, I am going to try and save you but in order, to do that I need you to trust me... and well, alive, you need to eat I promise it good," he says I stare at him watching his face for any sign that he may be lying but I only see the truth. I nod and lift the lid of the box to see that it is my favorite, all meat pizza with mushrooms. I hesitantly pick up a pice and watch as I bring it to my mouth, I can't hold back anymore I'm starving, I shove the pizza in taking too big of a bite making it hard to chew. He watches me for a while as I fill myself. At this point, I don't even care if he thinks I am fat or whatever. After I finish the bite I look up to the vampire in front of me. 

"Why do you want to help me?" I ask out of curiosity. He just looked at me and gave me a stern look as he stood. Did I offend him?  

"I'll take you to see your friends but you can't go back with them." He says quickly before leaving me alone I put the pizza down and sit back in wonder.

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