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"Are y'all ok?" I ask as I rush down the stairs and help hold up coach Kelly.

"We're fine. Is Allie ok?" Danny replies.

"She is back at the house."

"Alone?!" she practically screams at me.

"What? No, she isn't alone." I say to reassure her.

"Okay let's go then I need to see that she is ok." She says as she directs us up the stairs.

"What is she?" I ask I couldn't hold it in any longer, I had to know. As we make it outside I take note of how she doesn't want to tell me.

"Look, I know you know and I don't think she doses. Am I right?" I say to try to make her tell me but still, she doesn't say a word. I let it go for now. We stay silent all the way back to the packhouse. When we pull in and park. I get out and suddenly I am on guard as soon as I get a whiff of the air. There is a different scent in the air one that I don't recognize.

"Stay here," I say to Danny.

"What? Why?" she asks but I am already running to the packhouse. The door is wide open, and the place is a wreck seems like a fight just went down. I run through the house looking for the people that stayed here with Allie.

"ALLIE! ALLIE!" I run up the stairs and just at the top I see Ashley, who is my beta.

"Ashley!" I run-up to her. As I get closer I can see there are stab wounds in her chest I quickly cover them to try and slow the bleeding, so she can heal. I call to some of the pack that was with me getting coach and Danny. I look up at Ashley's face and her eyes are open looking at me her chest is barely moving as she tries to speak.

"Shh don't say anything," I say, I know she is in pain.

"They took..." she had to stop, she took a deep breath and says "Allie, she is special... different."

"Ok buddy, we need to focus on you right now."

"It's ok, I'm ready." She says giving up.
"NO! You are going to be ok. Don't talk like that."

Danny comes up behind me and takes control.

"Move." Is all she says so I move. As she gets on her knees next to her. Danny closes her eyes and lets her hands hover over her wounds. I watch her, her mouth move as if she is speaking but she isn't saying anything out loud. Then suddenly Ashley is screaming and writhing out in pain. I know I don't really trust her, but I can't tell if she is hurting her or saving her.

Obviously, she is in pain and but that could be a part of her helping. Suddenly she stops and is out cold, but I can tell she isn't bleeding anymore.

"Help me pick her up." I nod and pick her up and take her to the nearest room and lay her on a couch.

I turn to her "Alright, you have to tell me, even if you don't want to. I need to know why was she targeted? And why were you taken too?"

She takes a deep breath and lets it out as a big sigh.

"Ok fine but can we talk alone."

I nod and then add "Let me make sure everyone is ok first."

I go around the house and make sure everyone is ok. Turns out Ashley and two others had in countered the whole thing. The other guys Trever and Mike weren't in the same shape as Ashley. They were just a little scraped up and had black eyes or a busted lip. Trever told me everything and what he saw.

Apparently, a bunch of vampires broke in and tried to get Allie and they were talking about a witch protector. The guys put up a fight and tried to stop them. The vampire thing explains the stab wounds vampires can't bite wolves they'll get extremely sick and could possibly die. According to Trever Ashley was trying to protect Allie and hurt one of the vamps and it got mad and stabbed her. I make my way back to Danny. We get settled in the conference room downstairs.

"Well let's start in the beginning..." 

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