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"So, did you find an armory in her house?" Stiles asked eagerly

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"So, did you find an armory in her house?" Stiles asked eagerly.

Liam's eyes widened. "Oh - uh... I forgot. I was occupied!"

"WITH WHAT?" Stiles exclaimed in the middle the hallway.

"Uh - I'd rather not say."

Scott laughed quietly under his breath. "I think I know." He discreetly pointed at Kim who was walking towards them.

She wasn't actually trying to talk to Liam and his friends. It was just a coincidence that her first period was in that direction. There were purple hickeys covering spots of her neck. She didn't bother covering them up at all. She didn't care who knew or didn't know.

"You had sex with her?" Stiles whispered, grabbing Liam's shoulders and shaking him. "Are you insane?"

Kim laughed under her breath as she watched Stiles shake him around. She passed by them and walked into her classroom.

Scott growled slightly. "She smells like gunpowder."

Stiles thought the best approach was to literally approach Kim and ask about the gunpowder. He decided that the baby beta wasn't very helpful.

"So, Kim, why do you smell like gunpowder?" Stiles asked casually as he bit into an apple.

Kim froze mid-bite into her sandwich. She looked up at him. She was eating alone at the table in the corne, while Stiles was standing, leaning on the table.

"What do you know?" she questioned. Her usually warm eyes turned cold.

"I know enough," he said with a proud smirk.

Kim stood up from the table, glaring at him with eyes that could cut through him. Stiles let out a small shriek.

"I don't know anything!" he said instead. "You just smell like gunpowder and Liam has a crush on you!"

Liam groaned from afar. He hated how big Stiles's mouth was.

"Are you a hunter?" Stiles asked, ignoring the way she looked at him.


Stiles let out a breath of relief.

"I'm a huntress."


KIM POSSIBLE. ❪ Liam Dunbar ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now