Chapter VII: Ginger Pie

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     "Okey, Ginger Pie, what do you want to do today?" asked Mammy.

     "Ooooh, oooh, I have an idea!" said the wart on Mammy's nose, who was apparently named Ginger Pie. "I want to go tah the zoo! Pleeeeaase can we go?!"

     "Fine... But don't do anything funny. We don't want this to end up like the last time."


     So the two jumped into Mammy's truck and drove to the zoo.

     When they got to the zoo, Ginger Pie wanted to go everywhere. But, alas, she stopped at the penguin habitat.

     "Loooook, Mammy, penguins!" said Ginger Pie. "Can we take them home?"

     "No, Ginger Pie. They belong here."

     "No we don't! The little one is right!" said one of the penguins. "We need to be free! Please, take us with you."

     Mammy looked in both directions. "Fine. Let's get you in the truck, before anyone sees us."

     So they loaded the penguins in the truck bed.

     They left the zoo and went to a gas station. But first, Mammy put duck bills on the penguins.

     Mammy filled the truck with some kind of liquid (gas, I hope.) But then, a pig came up to them.

     {A/N} A police dude, not an actual pig.

     "Hello, ma'am. May I look into the back of your truck?" he said, walking up to them.

     Mammy and Ginger Pie were putting on fake moustaches. "Oh, um, yes."

     The police person stared at the penguins, who were dressed up like ducks.

     "Ma'am, why do you have ducks in the back of your truck?" he asked.

      "Umm... Well, I'm a hunter, you see. I have ducks so I can shoot them anytime I want."

     "And may I see your hunting license?"

     "Ummmmm... Hunting license..."

     Mammy was about to get busted, but what's that?! A dude wearing a lobster costume jumped off the gas station roof!

     "Rrrooaaahh!" said the lobster dude.

     The police person thought he was an alien.

     This gave Mammy enough time to get away. So the penguins got to live with Mammy and Ginger Pie.

     What was that supposed to be!? Why can't Kitty ever make a story that makes sense!? That's it, I'm leaving!

                     THE END


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