Chapter XVIII: Barbie Takes Over the World II

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     Previously on Barbie Takes Over the World: Suddenly, a sword faced Barbie...

     "Oh, Barbie, did you really think that you could get away from me?" said the man at the other end of the sword. "No one ever escapes the Red Eye. You were a fool for trying."

     "Telceias," said Barbie. She looked up at the man in a black uniform, strange devices strapped on his arms and on his belt. "What are you doing here?"

     "I'm here for you, of course." Telceias smiled cruelly. "Alceino, take Barbie away."

     "Yes, sir," said a woman behind him.

     Barbie was taken away in chains. When she reached the portable prison she found T.S. had already been captured.

     Barbie watched the outside world before it was all gone. A whole army of Red Eye soldiers were right outside the door. Every soldier had blonde hair and deadly red eyes. All wearing black uniforms and small, futuristic computers strapped all over them.

     "The future is the past. And whoever shall bring fourth that divine new world will forge it anew. And it will be truly advanced, gloriously meaningful, and completely bullet proof," said Alceino, shutting the door, leaving Barbie and T.S. alone and in the dark.

     But what was that!? A dark cloud appeared in the sky!

     Russia came falling out of the sky! He stared happily at the people on the ground as he dropped from the sky.

     He landed on his feet and said, "Magic metal pipe of pane!" Russia held up his pipe like a gun and fired at the Red Eye soldiers.

     The Red Eye were shocked at first. But they soon overcame that shock and started running to boxes while exploding fireballs flew at them.

     Out of the boxes the Red Eye got long black guns with lots of different compartments on them.

     They all shot at Russia for a while, but the Red Eye were suffering too much of a loss. They retreated behind a cluster of large rocks.

     Telceias held up a small black box that glowed purple. He threw it to the ground and it expanded in a flash of time particles. It was a teleporter.

     A few Red Eye soldiers ran out from behind the rocks, heading towards a tent. Two others ran to  some boxes and returned with them back to their rock fort.

     Russia shot one just as they jumped behind a rock. The soldier crumpled to the ground. Another soldier ran to them and stabbed them with a futuristic patch.

     Soldiers emerged from the tent with boxes of lab equipment. Russia shot as many of them down as he could, but they all disappeared into the teleport.

     Russia shot the lock to the prison door. The lock wouldn't budge. He shot it again and again until it broke. The door swung open.

     "Russia!" exclaimed Barbie. "Please tell me you didn't bring the Mexicans."

     "I asked Mexico if he wanted to come with me, but he was busy." Russia smiled at them, with that horrific look in his purple eyes. "Do you need anything else?"

     "No," said Barbie, climbing out of the small room and into the daylight.

     "Okay!" said Russia. He bowed and then sank into the ground like a ghost.

     "The Red Eye chased the Romans to the east, so they are still a threat," said T.S., pushing her purple hair behind her ear. "Rodolphus Pikaleter will be needing help with holding down the fort."

     "Yes, yes," said Barbie. "We'll get to that soon."

      They started walking back towards their camp.

     "And there's also the French," T.S. reminded Barbie.

     "Oh, don't even get me started on the French," said Barbie in exasperation.

     "And then the bills that need to be paid," said T.S., walking along side Barbie.

     "Oh, shut up about all the things I have tah do. It makes me tired just thinking about it all," said Barbie.

     "Um, ma'am, are we going to walk all the way back to camp?" T.S. asked.

     "Of course we are," said Barbie, grinning happily.

     "Are you being sarcastic? Because I really can't tell with you," T.S. said, a worried expression on her face.

     Barbie just laughed.


                  🌎 THE END 🌎


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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