#1 Finding Out & Telling Him

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1.1 smASH

You were two weeks late on your period. Two weeks! That had never happened before. You were freaking out considering you really didn’t think you were ready to be a mum. You knew Ashton was, he’d be a perfect dad. At least he would be happy if you were. You weren’t going to take any chances so you went to the gyno.

“Hello, Mrs. Irwin. How may I help you today?” The nice doctor lady asked.

“I’m two weeks late. I just was wondering I could be pregnant?” You were so nervous your voice shook.


“Congratulations Mrs. Irwin, your tests came back positive.” You felt so nervous you could puke. You hurried home. Ashton wasn’t home yet so you thought of ways to tell him. You decided to put the test results in an envelope addressed to Ashton.

“Babe, I’m hooooooome.” Ashton shouted from the front hall. He walked into the kitchen and sat down with you at the table.

“Some mail came for you.” You said trying to act casual and as non-suspicious as possible. Ashton opened the envelope and stared confused at the test results.

“I’m confused, do you know what this- WAIT Y/N DID WE MAKE A BABY?” He screamed so loud the entire planet could hear.

“It was an accident, I swear but yeah I guess I forgot to take the pill one day and-”

“Y/n, you know my boys work fast.” He joked while giggling so damn hard.

“I’m just worried that I won’t be a good mum.” You admitted.

“Y/n, kids love you, and I love you. That baby will love you. I promise.” He said rubbing your flat tummy. You answered him with a long passionate kiss.

“I hope you know. You have given me more than I could ever had asked for. You have made me the happiest man alive.” Ashton had tears in his eyes.



You were pregnant. You had been trying for four months with no luck. You weren’t really concerned but Michael was completely worked up. He seemed to think something was wrong with him. All the other boys had instant luck. You just found out today at the doctors that you were a month pregnant. You were so happy. You were never the one to be creative and cutesy when it came to delivering good news. So when you saw Michael on the couch with the boys, you lightly dropped the ultrasound on his lap.

“Y/N?” He asked.

“Yes Michael?” You asked in a casual tone.

“Is this ours?” You just nodded with a big smile on our face. He looked so incredibly happy. The boys were looking over his shoulders with open mouths.

“DUDE! Welcome to the Daddy club!” Calum yelled as the all happily tackled each other. Parenthood had changed them but not enough. They still acted like crazy teenagers.  

Michael unraveled himself from the dogpile and kneeled next to your flat belly.

“Hey Bud, this is your daddy. Your uncles are here too! We all can’t wait to meet you!” Michael said in an adorable baby voice. The boys all kneeled around you as well and waved to your non-existent bump. They could be so childish sometimes. You couldn’t believe they were all responsible for another human’s life. Michael is too now.



You got pregnant. On the very first try. Calum fed you all that shit about it taking a while. You were seriously questioning whether the two of you were ready to be parents. You even went to the doctor to make sure.

“Hi Mrs. Hood, as you assumed you are indeed pregnant, you are about a month along. Now this is your baby- oh” She said while performing an ultrasound.

“What’s wrong?” You asked worriedly.

“Nothing, nothing. I was just surprised. You seem to be pregnant with twins.” Your mouth practically dropped to the floor. Two kids? You weren’t sure if you could handle one.


You quickly went home after your appointment to see Cal and Joy on the couch playing with Angela.

“Hey babe, hope you don’t mind. Mum was taking care of her so she came over with Angie because I love playing with her so much.” Calum said in a baby voice while squeezing Angie’s cheeks.

“It’s okay Cal, but I have something to tell you…” You stuttered nervously. You know Calum wanted a kid, but you weren’t sure he didn’t want two. Before he could say anything Angela spoke up.

“Y/N, do you have my playmate in your belly yet?” She asked innocently.

“Yeah, actually I do…” You said hesitantly. Joy looked up extremely surprised. Calum just looked really excited.  

“You’re actually gonna have two playmates.” You continued cautiously. Angela squealed in delight.

“Babe, are you serious? Twins?”  You nodded. Tears were pooling in Cal’s eyes. Joy jumped from the couch and hugged me.

“My first grandbabies!” Joy exclaimed.

“And on the first time try. Twins. Damn I’m just that good.” Cal giggled. Joy slapped his arm playfully. You just ran up to him and kissed the life out of that boy.



You rushed out of bed to throw up for the third time this week. Luke was starting to get worried.

“Y/N, we should really get you to the doctor.” Luke said worriedly.

“Fine.” You surrendered grumpily.


“Well, Mrs. Hemmings, you’re not sick.” The doctor confirmed, smiling at you. Luke’s grip on your hand loosened.

“But, I do have other news.” He said staring at you and Luke. Luke’s grip on your hand tightened this time.

“Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Hemmings, you are ten weeks pregnant.” He said with a grin.

“Ten weeks!” You exclaimed. How in the hell did you not notice?

“Y/N, we’re going to be parents!” Luke said excitedly waving your joined hands up and down.

“Lukey, calm down babe.” You said though you could barely contain your excitement.

“I did it! I put a baby in you!” Luke exclaimed proudly while poking your flat stomach. You just laughed and apologized to the doctor who was probably questioning the fact that the two of you were 26.

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