#3 Telling The Family

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Ashton’s family came to London to visit Ashton and you. Anne Marie brought Harry and Lauren this time and they were really excited. You went out to dinner without the rest of the boys because they were also spending time with their families.

“I’m so happy to see Ash and you! I’ve missed you so much! It’s not fair to have half of my babies across the world from me. You must move back to Sydney!” Ashton’s mom ranted.

“Mum, you know I can’t do that. I missed you a lot though. We both did.”  Ashton said sadly. You could tell he really missed his family.

“You two are married now. I want grandbabies soon and they deserve to be close to their Grand-mum. They deserve to grow up the way you did. Safe and tucked away from paps.” She said matter of factly. You had never thought of that before. Did you really want to raise your child in a big city full of people who knew your whereabouts. But, you couldn’t move to Sydney! Ashton’s career was still very much alive. You already felt as though you were burdening him with this baby. As much as you wanted to raise your kids back home down under, but you couldn’t do that to Ash and the boys. Ashton might love the idea, but Ashton never really thought things through. It made you sad knowing that your baby wouldn’t be raised where you always imagined it would.

“About that Mum, the whole grandbabies thing-” He started.

“Oh my lord, Y/N are you pregnant? Am I going to have another little Irwin to raise?” Lauren and Harry started rolling their eyes at their mother’s obsession with finally getting her hands on more babies. You and Ashton nodded happily while holding a tight reassuring grip on each other's hands. Tears started flowing from Anne Marie’s eyes and she happily started hugging both of you and dialing the number of a real estate office in Sydney.



You and Michael went to spend the day with his mum, Karen. She had been bothering the two of you for grandchildren ever since the day of your wedding. Michael was an only child so it had been a while since she had a baby around. She made the two of you tea and was catching up on your busy lives. Of course she mentioned kids.

“So, Luke and Char just had a baby, Mikey.” She started.

“Mum-” Michael tried to explain.

“No excuses! Luke AND Char are younger than you two! You are more than capable of giving me a grandbaby Michael Gordon.” She moaned exasperatedly.

“Mum, that’s actually what we wanted to talk to you about…” Mike cautiously began. Her eyes lit up immediately as she started to smile.

“Mikey, is my baby having a baby?” She asked, tears falling from her eyes.

“Yes, he is.” I answered for him. Michael groaned as Karen went crazy snuggling her “little” boy and giving him tips on being a parent.

“I know we shouldn’t have told her.” He grumbled.

“Oh yes you should have!” Karen squealed happily. She started kissing your cheeks and calling up all of Michael’s relatives to share the good news.


3.3 COLUMN (hehe)

Joy already knew about the baby, considering she was there when you delivered the news to Cal. Joy, of course, told Calum’s dad immediately after she found out. Mali had no clue and Cal was planning on telling her today. Calum was so incredibly excited about telling her. Mali loved kids and she was always talking about how she couldn’t wait to be an aunt. Mali came to your shared flat to catch up and see her little brother.

“Hi bro! I’ve miiiissssed you!” She sing-songed.

“I missed you too Mal.” He said while engulfing his big sister in a big bear hug. She smiled up at her brother and hugged him back.

“So, we have some news for you Mali!” You started, very anxious to tell her the news. She looked confused. I handed her the present we got for her. She opened the gift bag to reveal a cheesy mug that read World’s Best Aunt. She immediately broke out into a smile.

“I’m going to be an auntie?” You both nodded at the excited girl.

“You two are having a baby?” Her grin was so wide. Joy stepped into the room and corrected her.

“Babies. They are having two, babies.” Mali started jumping up and down and explaining how the two of you needed a bigger place and that Cal needed lessons on how to swaddle a baby. You two just laughed at how serious she was being. She just hugged both of you and kissed you on the sides of your cheeks repeatedly.



You both knew that as soon as Liz found out, she would take control of the whole situation. You didn’t mind of course. You really didn’t know how to be a mum and let’s face it, Liz was the best mum out there. Luke, on the other hand liked to keep his personal life private from his mother. Liz and him were close, sometimes too close, but he didn’t like talking about big boy topics with his mummy. Luke’s cheeks would turn crimson whenever his mother would mention sex, marriage, relationship advice or anything having to do with drinking. He could get so embarrassed sometimes. Liz obviously knew that you and Luke were sexually active, you were married for christ’s sake. But, Luke liked his mother to view him as innocent as possible. To make a baby, you would of had to have sex. You told Luke that this was stupid to worry about and that she would be concerned if you hadn’t had sex.

Liz had come over to see her Lukey and help you pack up your flat because you were planning on moving to a bigger place. She didn’t know why yet.

“So Lukey? What’s wrong with this flat? You just moved in a few months ago after you got married!”

“Well, it’s not big enough anymore.” Luke simply replied.

“And why’s that. It’s just the two of you! You fit just fine Lucas.” She said sternly.

“Well, it’s not just the two of us anymore mummy.” Luke smiled at his mum.

“What do you mean- Wait! Luke? Did you get your wife pregnant?” She asked excitedly.

“Yes mum, I did. I’m sorry I-”

“Lucas! Do not apologize! I love being a grandmum! This is so exciting!” She ran and hugged the two of you and then proceeded to tell you everything you shouldn’t eat or do during pregnancy.

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