#8 Picking Names

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#8 Picking Names


8.1 Fletcher

Ashton and you, now that you finally knew the gender, couldn’t wait to stop calling the baby little irwin. You were reading a name book with Lauren because she was determined to choose the name of her niece. You had thought of names when you were a little girl but you got tired of all of them. Ashton’s opinion was the only one that mattered. You would love any name he did.

“What about Sarah?” Lauren asked.

“Too basic” You and Ash said in unison.


“Too much like Ashton” You giggled. Lauren nodded realizing one Ash was enough.


“Nah, too old lady-ish.” Ashton stated.

“Amanda?” Ashton’s eyes widened. He smiled and looked at you.

“Babe, we could call her Mandy for short. She’d have an A intial like me.”

“I like it! Amanda Irwin. That sounds nice. Amanda it is.” You really did like the name. Lauren and Ashton nodded in agreement.

“What about a middle name?” Lauren asked. You looked at Ashton and you knew you were thinking the same thing.

“Lauren.” You said confidently.

“Amanda Lauren Irwin.” Ashton confirmed. Lauren looked shocked at first and then smiled.

“I love you guys.” She ran and hugged the both of us. She continued to talk about all the fun things she would do with Mandy.


8.2 Gordon

Michael was very excited about his little boy. He had been searching for names with the boys constantly. You knew Mikey could be a bit “creative” so you made sure to monitor all his suggestions carefully.

“What about Luke?” Luke suggested acting completely serious.

“No you f*cker” Michael replied whole flipping him off.

“Language Mike!” You scolded.

“What about Bart?” Calum asked jokingly.

“EWW” You and Mikey responded at the same time. You took a look at the list of names and saw one you really liked.

“I like Mason.” You stated. Michael smiled. So did the boys.

“Mason Clifford. It’s perfect babe.” He said happily.

“I love it but I like Mason Lucas Clifford better.” Luke said only half joking. Michael smiled.

“I like the sound of that. What do you think babe?” He asked me seriously. It was actually funny you  really loved it. Luke meant a lot to Michael and yourself. You already decided Luke and his wife Charlotte would be the godparents, so why not name your son after him. If Mason was anything like Luke, he would do just fine in life.

You kissed his lips and nodded. “So it’s settled. Mason Lucas Clifford. I love it.” Luke gave the both of you a massive hug and promised that he would be the best godfather ever. You believed him.


8.3 Thomas

You were out to lunch with Joy and Cal.

“So I’m tired of calling my grandchildren “Little Hoods” so we need to find proper names for my babies.” Joy complained. You and Cal hadn’t thought of any names yet. You had been thinking a bit on your own, but hadn’t suggested any of them to Cal.

“We could discuss it now? Do you have any names you like?” You asked Joy.

“I love the name Kaiden. I mean if you guys-” Cal cut his mum off.

“I love it mum!”

“I do too. I guess it’s official. Twin one is named Kaiden.” You said happily.

“I really love the name Noah.” Cal said shyly.

“That’s a beautiful name love.” Joy said while kissing her son’s cheek.

“I like it too. Kaiden and Noah Hood.” You confirmed and kissed your husband.

“Noah Ashton and Kaiden Michael.” He said insecurely as if he was asking for permission. I thought it was adorable that he was naming his sons after his best friends. You kissed him again in confirmation.


8.4 Robert

The minute Luke came home from tour, the two of you sat on the couch and immediately started discussing baby names.

“What about Jasey Rae?” He asked.

“Luke, we are not naming our child after an All Time Low song!” You exclaimed.

“My favourite ATL song!” He defended.

“What about Aubrey?” You asked.

“It’s alright. I just don’t think it’s the one.” You nodded in agreement. Suddenly a name from your computer screen stood out to you as “the one”.

“Piper.” That’s all you had to say to bring a smile onto Luke’s face.

“Piper Hemmings. That’s perfect. She’s perfect.” He started rubbing your belly.

“Hi Piper!” He said in a cute baby voice. She immediately started kicking. Luke’s eyes lit up.

“I think she likes it!” You exclaimed. He kissed you out of happiness.

“We need to think of a middle name.” He said while thinking.

“No need. Piper Elizabeth Hemmings.” You responded. He smiled and he started to cry happy tears.

“After Mum?” You just nodded. Liz was like a mum to you as well and you wanted Piper to be like Liz. Luke kissed you for the millionth time that day.

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