#14 Labour Part 2

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#14 Labour Part 2 (LAST PREF)

(A/N: this was a crazy and very fun journey to write these specific preferences. Yes, there will be a second book as well as a 5SOS prefs book in general.)

{These will all be in the boys POV}

14.1 Ash

Here we are, almost eight months later. Just barely a year after I married the woman of my dreams, my greatest wish is coming true. I’m gonna have a little girl. My own little child to protect and teach and love. A perfect combination of the girl I fell in love with at 14 and myself. Our creation is about to join the world.

My mum was there with Harry and Lauren in the waiting room with a sitter. Y/N parents aren’t around anymore, but my mum has always been a mum to Y/N for as long as I’ve known her. So naturally, mum’s gonna be in the delivery room to see her first grandbaby. She was laughing about how Harry’s gonna be an uncle by the age of 8. Y/N is being incredibly brave. She has sweat dripping down her forehead but she refuses to scream out. She has a tight grip on my hand as I whisper sweet nothings into her ear. Only tiny whimpers escape her mouth. She’s a fighter. Oh how I wish I could take this load off of her. She is is so much pain. The doctor announces that she can see the head. With the squeeze of Y/N’s hand, I let go to watch my little girl enter the world. Y/N pushes hard one last time and little cries fill the room. “Hello there Amanda. I’ve been waiting to meet you for a very long time. May I say that it is an absolute honour.”


14.2 Michael Clifford the big red dog

I’m starting to doubt if I’ll be a good father. I wanted this. I want this. Now that my wife is moments away from bringing that distant dream to life, I’m not sure if I can handle it. I have fucking neon coloured hair for fucks sake. I just really don’t want to let this kid down. Y/N’s screams bring me back to reality as the doctor alerts me it’s almost time. It’s just me in the room because Y/N’s a little shy and she wanted this moment to be just something for us to share. That’s one of the reasons I love her.

“God damnit Michael, this feels like I’m shitting a knife!” Y/N yelped. I nervously chuckled. Only Y/N would say something like that when our first child is being born. I stayed close to Y/N kissing the top of her head. Tears slip out of my eyes as I hear loud cries erupt through the room.


14.3 CAL-ifornia

It has been about nine hours since Y/N was induced. The doctor said she could start pushing about two hours ago. She a huffing up a storm, letting profanities slip out of her mouth every contraction. My mum was wiping some of the sweat off of Y/N’s forehead. Mali was squeezing Y/N’s other hand trying to make her laugh when she could.

“The first baby is crowning!” The doctor said excitedly. I rushed over to see my first son join the world. Tears started flowing down my cheeks as I saw his dark hair almost identical to mine. Her softly cried as he was fully out. Y/N slumped back in exhaustion starting to slowly close her eyes. I hurried over to kiss her with as much love as I could fit in a kiss. She was trying to catch her breath.

“Babe, I don’t think I can do that again. I’m so tired.” She said with her eyes closed. I kissed her head again.

“I know you can do it! You just delivered our first beautiful baby boy, you can do anything. I love you so much and I know you can do that again.” I said while squeezing her hand. She sighed.

“She’s gonna have to, baby number two is on his way out.” The doctor butted in. Y/N screamed in pain. Oh boy, baby two really does want out. Y/N started to squeeze my hand as I resumed kissing her forehead and comforting her. A second head of dark hair started to make its way out. Everyone in the room (besides the doctor) starting to cry due to the beautiful moment. I have two boys. Two beautiful baby boys.

“I’m so proud of you. You have made me the happiest man alive.” Y/N tiredly smiled as she drifted off to sleep. I’m a lucky one.


14.4 Lukey Poo

Mum was freaking out. I have never seen her so stressed and excited at the same time. Y/N was breathing heavily as she started to push again.

“This should be the last few pushes.” The doctor said. Mum started to jump up and down happily. In that moment I realised that these moments are the last few I will spend childish. I’m so incredibly happy and excited to be a father.

“She’s almost here! Looks like she’s got a full head of blonde hair.” The doctor noted. Y/N smiled up at me.

“I knew she’d take after her daddy.” She said right before giving the push that brought our baby into the world. It made me happy to think that we’ve made something that will stand the test of time. A family.

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