#6 Gender Predictions

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#6 Gender Predictions


6.1 ASH

“You know Ash, we can find out the gender next week at the doctors!” You squealed.

“I think it’s a girl!” Luke shouted.

“I would love a girl babe omg I hope it’s a girl! Just think we can spoil her and dress her up. I could even teach her how to play drums. She would be so cute!” Ashton giggled. You had to admit, thinking about a little curl with Ashton’s curls and dimples made your heart melt.

“I think it’s going to be a boy babe.” You predicted.

“I want a girl!” Ashton pouted childishly.

“We’ll just have to see babe but as the mum, I think I’m right.” You said confidently.

“Well, I think it’s a girl. I can tell. I’m going to have two beautiful girls to call mine.” He smiled proudly.

“Don’t get your hopes up Ash. I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

“I could never be disappointed if we had a boy. Think about all the fun I could have with a little boy. I could dress him up in band tee’s and ripped jeans! Either way babe, I’m thrilled.” He smiled and kissed you.



You were in the waiting room of the OB GYN waiting for your appointment. You could finally find out the gender of you and Mike’s baby. You personally wanted a girl but you would be equally happy if it was a little Mikey. He hadn’t said anything on the matter due to the fact that you were suffering with extreme mood swings and he knew to steer clear.

“Mike? Do you wanna find out the sex babe?” You asked Mike.

“Of course, but only if you want to.” He said cautiously.

“I do. What do you want?” You asked honestly wondering if he had a preference.

“Like a boy or a girl?” You nodded.

“It doesn’t matter but I would love a boy. Just to do dude stuff with. I would love a girl, don’t get me wrong but I wouldn’t any guy doing the things I do to you to our daughter. I guess I’m just really protective of what’s in there.” He said poking your belly. You found it really adorable how protective he was being. If you did have a girl, you prayed for whatever boy tried to date her.

“What do you want?” He asked.

“Babe, I don’t care. I’d be happy either way.” You were being completely honest at that moment. You really didn’t care. You were just so happy.


6.3 CAL

You and Cal were sitting on the couch and his hands were rubbing your belly.

“What do you think is in there?” He asked you.

“Hmm, I don’t know. I think there’s two girls in there. There has to be at least one girl in there! I’m craving sweet things and your mom told me that means a girl so they are girls because I am eating ONLY sweet food.” You rambled on.

“I think there is a boy AND a girl.” He said confidently.

“Hmm, wanna bet?” You said cheekily.

“5 pounds says it’s a boy and girl.” He challenged.

“5 pounds says it’s two girls.” The two of you shook hands. You continued to watch television and he went back to talking to your belly and spitting out pipe dreams.



You and Luke were out shopping for baby things even though you still didn’t know the gender. Luke picked out a tiny little onesie that read “Daddy’s Little Girl”. You gave Luke a glare.

“Luke! I told you we don’t know the gender yet. No buying any gender specific items!” He started pouting and whimpering.

“Fine but we’re giving it away if it’s not a girl. And I have a feeling it’s not a girl.” You stated.

“It’s a girl. I know! I get that feeling like I’m getting daddy of a little girl spidey senses.” He giggled.

“Lukey, that is not a thing babe!”

“Don’t tell me how to feel!” He mockingly cried.

“If it was a boy we could give him a little quiff!” You know he really loved his quiff.

“I want a girl so I can play with her hair because I love playing with yours so much. Your long locks have helped me get pretty good at braiding.” He bragged. You just kissed him to shut him up even though you really liked the idea of having a little girl with Luke. He was already so protective of you, he would be such a good father. You giggled at the idea of Luke throwing tea parties and playing dollies with his daughter. Luke just continued throwing everything pink he could find into the shopping trolley.

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