#12 The Pregnancy becomes hard for you

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#12 The Pregnancy becomes hard for you


12.1 Ashtonian

You were becoming frustrated with you body. You’re feet felt like balloons and they hurt like hell. You’re back ached all the time and you were having trouble falling asleep at night. It was safe to say that you were ready for Amanda to get out of your belly. Ashton knew how much pain you were in, even though you tried your best not to complain.

You came home from one of your last days of work before the baby came to see all the lights dimmed.

“Ash? I’m home!” You called through the house. You walked up the stairs and headed into your bedroom. Ashton still wasn’t anywhere to be seen. You headed into the bathroom to see Ashton running you a bath. He had lit candles throughout the room. It smelled heavenly.

“Ash, you didn’t have to do all this!” You exclaimed even though you were very excited to unwind and take a bath.

“I love you babe and you’ve been in so much pain lately. You’ve been carrying our baby for almost nine months now. It’s time for me to start doing things for you.” He said with a smile while hugging you.

“Thank you so much babe.” You said happily. He started to leave the room before you stopped him.

“Where do you think you’re going mister?” You asked cheekily.

“I thought you might want some alone ti-” You cut him off with a kiss.

“I’ve missed you. Plus, I’d like a back massage.” You giggled.

“Yes ma’am!” He said with a chuckle and helped you get undressed and into the tub.


12.2 Mike

You were in a lot of pain and Michael’s attitude lately hadn’t help. He had come back in tour because you were due soon. He was tired and cranky like he usually was when he first got home. Normally, you let it slide and took care of him like doing his laundry and making him some home cooked meals. Michael loves moping around, but right now you couldn’t even bend over and you couldn’t deal with his shit.

“Babe? Could you get me some lunch please?” He yelled from the opposite side of the house. You were about to take a nap and he had to ruin it. You were aching all over and didn’t feel like being his slave at the moment. You ignored hoping he would forget.

“Y/N? Why are you ignoring me?” He sassily yelled as he stormed into your room.

“I don’t know Michael? It’s not like I’m nine months pregnant with your child and aching all over! I have no idea why I wouldn’t want to be your personal slave at the moment!”You screamed, completely losing it. Michael looked frightened at first, all anger washed from his face. You instantly felt bad for freaking out at Michael. Your hormones were getting the best of these you these days.

“Mikey, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to spazz on you. I’m just feeling shitty and my hormones are crazy.” You apologized. Michael nodded and climbed onto the bed and cuddled into your shoulder.

“I’m sorry. It’s not okay for me to treat you like that. Especially with everything you’re going through. You don’t need a douchey husband on top of that.” He said while he nuzzled his head into the nape of your neck. You just kissed the top of his head and fell asleep.


12.3 HOODlum

You were almost nine months pregnant with twins. Let’s just say your body is not what it used to be. You were extremely insecure and upset that nothing fit you anymore. You were supposed to be accompanying Cal to the VMAs next week, but you felt awkward in everything you tried on. You screamed in frustration and Cal walked into your bedroom worried.

“Babe! Is everything okay?” You nodded and started to lightly cry.

“Hon, what’s wrong?” He asked while rubbing your back.

“Nothing fits and I look like a fat whale. I can’t be seen like this next week. I’ll embarrass you.” You said weakly.

“You could never embarrass me. I think you look beautiful. You’re carrying my sons! I love you more now than ever. If you don’t want to come, that’s okay, but I think you look fine. You’re pregnant, people understand that.” He said while wiping the tears from under your eyes. He then started to kiss you all over reminding you how beautiful you are.


12.4 Lukers

You had been tired lately. You could never make it through the whole day without napping. You had gone with the boys to a gig and you were waiting on the couch with Luke. You slowly started to become sleepy but forced yourself to stay awake.

“It’s okay babe, you can fall asleep. You are growing a human, it’s okay to take naps.” He reassured while running his hands through your hair. You closed your eyes and let sleep take you.

“Damn, is she sleeping again?” Michael asked while chuckling.

“Hey, she’s nine months pregnant! When you create new life, you can criticize!” Luke defended.

“Sorry bro, she’s just always sleeping.” Michael said while taking a sip of water from his bottle.

“She’s adorable. I can’t wait for my little girl to come.” Luke said smiling, looking down at you.

“You’re going to be the best daddy Lukey.” Ashton said truthfully.

“I hope so.” Luke smiled out of excitement.


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